baby boy names on krishna (भगवान कृष्ण के नाम पर बच्चों के नाम): Embody the divine qualities of Lord Krishna in your child's name. In Hindu tradition, naming your baby after deities is a common practice.
If you're seeking a fitting name for your baby boy, explore our curated list of Lord Krishna-inspired names.
Renowned for His captivating charm, elegance, and wit, Lord Krishna embodies the qualities every parent desires for their child.
As the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, He arrived to vanquish evil, showcasing His compassionate heart, musical talents, graceful dance, and poetic prowess.
Over time, Lord Krishna has acquired numerous names that reflect His character. Our list features Baby boy names on Krishna that capture His essence, perfect for your baby.
Let's explore Baby boy names on Krishna (भगवान कृष्ण के नाम पर बच्चों के नाम) and hope it will suit.
Baby boy names on Krishna - भगवान कृष्ण के नाम पर बच्चों के नाम
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with A
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with A
1. Aariv (आरिव)
This name means ‘King of Wisdom and Justice’.
इस नाम का अर्थ है ‘बुद्धि और न्याय का राजा’।
2. Abhijeet (अभिजीत)
This name means ‘one who is victorious’.
इस नाम का अर्थ है ‘जो विजयी है’।
3. Adwait (अद्वैत)
This name means ‘unique’, ‘undivided’, and ‘no one like him’ and is another name of Lord Krishna.
इस नाम का अर्थ है 'अद्वितीय', 'अविभाजित' और 'उसके जैसा कोई नहीं' और यह भगवान कृष्ण का दूसरा नाम है।
4. Abhyankar (अभयंकर)
Abhyankar is a Sanskrit word which means ‘one who removes fears.
अभयंकर एक संस्कृत शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है 'वह जो भय को दूर करता है।
5. Abjayoni (अब्जयोनि)
Abjayoni is baby boy name mainly popular in Hindu religion and means ‘born of the lotus’.
अब्जयोनि हिंदू धर्म में मुख्य रूप से प्रचलित शिशु लड़के का नाम है और इसका अर्थ है ‘कमल से पैदा हुआ’।
6. Anaadih (अनादि)
This name signifies Lord Krishna, ‘The one who is the first cause’.
यह नाम भगवान कृष्ण का प्रतीक है, ‘वह जो पहला कारण है’।
7. Anantajit (अनंतजीत)
This name means The victor of infinity’, ‘The ever victorious Lord’.
इस नाम का अर्थ है अनंत का विजेता’, ‘हमेशा विजयी भगवान’।
8. Anish (अनीश)
It means ‘good company’.
इसका अर्थ है ‘अच्छी संगति’।
9. Aparajit (अपराजित)
Means the ‘One who can’t be defeated’, the Great Warrior.
इसका अर्थ है ‘जिसे हराया नहीं जा सकता’, महान योद्धा।
10. Aprameya (अप्रमेय)
This name means ‘infinite’ and ‘immeasurable’, just like Lord Krishna.
इस नाम का अर्थ है ‘अनंत’ और ‘अपरिहार्य’, बिल्कुल भगवान कृष्ण की तरह।
11. Arijit (अरिजीत)
Son of Krishna and Subhadra, Dominate or Defeat Enemies.
कृष्ण और सुभद्रा का पुत्र, शत्रुओं पर प्रभुत्व या पराजय
12. Asuman (असुमन)
This name means ‘lord of vital breaths’.
इस नाम का अर्थ है ‘प्राणवायु का स्वामी’।
13. Aswadh (अश्वध)
This name means ‘tree of knowledge’, which also means ‘Lord Krishna’.
इस नाम का अर्थ है ‘ज्ञान का वृक्ष’, जिसका अर्थ ‘भगवान कृष्ण’ भी है।
14. Avyukt (अव्यक्त)
This name means ‘clear minded’, referring to Lord Krishna.
इस नाम का अर्थ है ‘स्पष्ट मन वाला’, जो भगवान कृष्ण को संदर्भित करता है।
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with B
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with B
15. Balgopal
Infant Krishna or baby krishna
16. Bali
Bali is a popular name of Indian origin and it means soldier.
17. Balmukund
Young Krishna
18. Banke
It refers to Lord Krishna.
19. Bankebihari
Bankebihari means the ‘One who loves to sport in the forests’.
20. Bankim
Curved or Crescent.
21. Bansi
This manes ‘flute’ which is the instrument played by Lord Krishna.
Bansi - Lord Krishna Names for Baby Boy
22. Banwari
This name refers to Lord Krishna as it means ‘the one who lives in Vrindavan’.
23. Brij
This name means ‘the place of Lord Krishna’ and ‘strength’.
24. Brijesh
This name means ‘Lord Krishna’ Or ‘Lord of Braj land’. Braj means ‘Pasture’, a land where the Yadavas (Lord Krishna’s clan) used to settle down.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with C
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with C
25. Chhailbehari
This name means Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with D
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with D
26. Darsh
‘Handsome’ and ‘sight’ are the meanings of this name and it represents Lord Krishna.
27. Daruk
This name means ‘the charioteer of Lord Krishna’.
28. Dayanidhi
Dayanidhi also has Indian roots and means ‘kind person’ or ‘a treasure house of mercy.’
29. Devakinandan
Lord Krishna is the son of Devaki. Devakinandan means exactly that, the ‘Son of Devaki’.
30. Devesh
Devesh means the ‘Lord of lords’. This beautiful name refers to Lord Krishna.
31. Dham
This name epitomises Lord Krishna, which means ‘supreme spirit’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with G
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with G
32. Gadin
This name is unique as it means ‘one who is armed with a club’ which refers to Lord Krishna.
33. Ganasharya
Courteous and brave boy, The shelter of the living entities
34. Ganashraya
Ganashraya is a popular Hindu name that means ‘he is the shelter of the living entities’.
35. Ghanashyam
This name means ‘The color of the darkest cloud that will rain soon’, ‘Solid dark’.
36. Girdhari
This means ‘The lifter of Govardhan Hill’.
37. Girivar
This means ‘one who holds the Govardhana Giri mountain’.
38. Gokul
This name means ‘the place where Lord Krishna grew’.
39. Gopal
Another famous name of Lord Krishna, Gopal, means ‘Cowherd’ or ‘Protector of cows’.
40. Gopan
It means ‘protection’ and is another name for Lord Krishna.
41. Gopi
This wonderful name means ‘the protector of cows’.
42. Govind
It means ‘cowherd’ and is another name for Lord Krishna.
43. Govinda
One who knows sense, Illuminator of senses. The ‘One who makes the cowherds happy’.
44. Grahil
This wonderful name is another name for Lord Krishna.
45. Gwala
This is another name for Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with H
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with H
46. Hari
It means ‘the one belonging to God’.
47. Harish
This name means ‘the one who feels that he does everything according to God’s wish’.
48. Hrishikesh
This name means the ‘One who controls the senses’. It is one of Krishna’s multiple names.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with I
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with I
49. Ishna
This name simply means ‘Lord Krishna’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with J
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with J
50. Jagmohan
One who attracts the world.
51. Jagadbandhu
This name has Indian origin and means ‘a Companion to the world’.
52. Janaradhana
The meaning of this name is the ‘Liberator from the cycle of birth and death’ and ‘One who helps people’.
53. Janardhana
Janardhana is a baby boy’s name and is of Indian origin. It means ‘liberator’ and is a popular nickname given to the Hindu God Krishna.
54. Janav
Janav means ‘protecting men’ and is another name of Lord Krishna.
55. Jaspaal
This is another name for Lord Krishna.
56. Jayani
The meaning of this unique name is ‘conqueror’.
57. Jugal
This name refers to Lord Krishna and it means a ‘couple’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with K
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with K
58. Kahaan
This name is another name for the great Lord Krishna.
59. Kahn
The name Kahn means ‘priest’ and is another representation of Lord Krishna.
60. Kalia
The name means ‘beauty’ which refers to Lord Krishna.
61. Kanaiya
This name ‘adolescent’ and is used to refer to Lord Krishna.
62. Kanha
The name Kanha means ‘fashion’.
63. Kanji
This is another name for Lord Krishna.
64. Kannan
This is another wonderful name of Lord Krishna.
65. Kanu
Kanu means ‘Lord Krishna’ and ‘supreme God’.
66. Karnish
This name means ‘the lord of mercy’ which clearly refers to Lord Krishna.
67. Kayval
The meaning of this name is ‘only’, ‘absolute’, or ‘alone’.
68. Keshav
It means ‘long-haired’.
69. Kesava
Keshava, another popular Hindu name means ‘one with beautiful long hair’.
70. Keyur
This name means ‘flower’ and the ‘jewellery of Lord Krishna’.
71. Kian
This name means ‘kings’ or ‘ancient’.
72. Kiesh
This beautiful name means ‘rainfall’ and ‘joy’.
73. Kishan
This name means ‘black’ or ‘dark-skinned’ and it refers to Lord Krishna.
74. Kishore
This name means ‘young boy’, ‘youth’, or ‘the sun’.
75. Kriday
This name simply means Lord Krishna.
Kriday - Lord Krishna Names for Baby Boy
76. Krishnamurari
This name is unique as it means ‘the one who conquers everybody’s heart by playing his flute’.
77. Krishnamurthy
This name means ‘Lord Krishna’ or ‘the manifestation of Lord Krishna’.
78. Krishnendu
It means the ‘Prince of Earth’, Another name of ‘Lord Krishna’.
79. Kunal
This is the name of an ancient saint and it also refers to Lord Krishna.
80. Kundan
The meaning of this name is ‘pure’, ‘beautiful’, ‘sparkling’, ‘lovable’ and ‘diamond’.
81. Kunjabihari
This name means the ‘One who enjoys the lakes’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with M
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with M
82. Madan
Madan means ‘god of love’ which is Lord Krishna.
83. Madhav
It means ‘sweet like honey’ which refers to Lord Krishna.
84. Makhesh
This name means ‘lord of sacrifice’ which is Lord Krishna.
85. Manhar
This name means ‘pleasing’, ‘charming’, or the ‘one who attracts the mind’.
86. Manmohan
Winner of the heart, Pleasing.
87. Mayur
This name means ‘peacock’ and is used to represent Lord Krishna.
88. Meghashyam
The meaning of this name is ‘dark as the clouds’.
89. Mihar
This is a name of Lord Krishna.
90. Mohin
It means ‘glamour’.
91. Mohnish
This is another way to represent Lord Krishna as it means ‘attractive God’.
92. Murari
This name refers to ‘killer of the demon Mura’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with N
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with N
93. Nandakishore
This name means Lord Krishna, An Intelligent Kid.
94. Nathan
The meaning of this name is ‘gift from God’, ‘desire’, and ‘protector’.
95. Nattu
This means ‘a form of Natvar’ which is Lord Krishna.
96. Natwar
This name means ‘dancing lord’ which is Lord Krishna.
97. Neeraj
The meaning of this beautiful name is ‘lotus’, ‘pearl’, ‘flower’, or ‘born from clear water’.
98. Nilesh
This name means ‘moon’ which represents Lord Krishna.
99. Nimay
The meaning of this name is ‘half’ and is another name for Lord Krishna.
100. Nitish
This name means ‘true warrior’, ‘master of right path’, and ‘night light’.
101. Niranjan
Niranjan is a name from the Sanskrit literature of Hindu tradition and means spotless.
102. Nityananda
This name means ‘always happy’ like Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with P
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with P
103. Parthasarathi
This name means ‘the charioteer of Partha’.
104. Pyarelal
This name means ‘loved one’ which also means Lord Krishna.
105. Punyah
This popular Indian means ‘supremely pure’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with R
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with R
106. Radesh
God, Another name of Lord Krishna
107. Rasesh
This name means ‘the lord of joy’ which is Lord Krishna.
108. Rashad
The meaning of this name ‘integrity of conduct’, ‘thinker’, and ‘maturity’.
109. Rayaan
This name means ‘the gate to paradise’ or ‘heaven’ and is another name of Lord Krishna.
110. Rukminesh
This name means ‘consort of Rukmini’ which is Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with S
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with S
111. Saket
This Lord Krishna names for baby boy starting with S means ‘Lord Krishna’ and ‘having the same intention’.
112. Sambathkrishna
Sampath is a popular baby name of Indian origin, meaning ‘wealth’.
113. Sameh
This name means ‘the one who is forgiving’ which refers to Lord Krishna.
114. Sarvajana
Sarvajana is one of the most popular baby boy name of Indian origin meaning ‘omniscient lord’.
115. Sathyanarayan
This name means ‘ultimate reality’ or ‘resting in consciousness’.
116. Sham
The name means ‘strong person’ and it refers to Lord Krishna.
117. Shankdhar
This name means ‘the one who bears a conch’ which is Lord Krishna.
118. Shoubhit
This unique name means ‘ornamented’ and ‘handsome’.
119. Shrigopal
This name means ‘the protector of the earth’, and is an epithet of Lord Krishna.
120. Shreshta
Shreshta is a popular gender neutral name having Indian roots. It means ‘the best’.
121. Shrihari
This wonderful name has so many meanings like ‘yellow’, ‘golden colour’, ‘parrot’, ‘ray of light’, It is another name for Lord Krishna.
Shrihari - Lord Krishna Names for Baby Boy
122. Shyamsundar
This name means ‘cloud-coloured and beautiful’ or the ‘one with beauty like the evening’.
123. Sudarshan
This is a beautiful baby name having Sanskrit roots which means beautiful or good-looking.
124. Suri
This unique name means ‘the sun’ or ‘wisdom’ and is another representation of Lord Krishna.
125. Sunil
Sunil is a popular baby name for boys, mostly used in the Indian community. It means ‘dark or very blue’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with T
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with T
126. Trivesh
This name means ‘the one who knows all the three Vedas’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with U
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with U
127. Unkar
This means ‘God’s name’ and is another name of Lord Krishna.
128. Urugay
This name comes from the Guaraní culture and means ‘a river where the sacred bird lives’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with V
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with V
129. Vamsi
This is the name of a ‘raaga‘ and it means Lord Krishna.
130. Vamsidhar
This name is another name of Lord Krishna as it means ‘bearer of flute’.
131. Vanabihari
This name means ‘one who enjoys the forest’ which is Lord Krishna.
132. Vanamalin
This name means ‘the one who is wearing a garland’.
133. Vasoo
This name means ‘dweller’, ‘precious’, ‘ray of light’, and refers to Lord Krishna.
134. Vasumat
This name means ‘wealthy’ and is another name of Lord Krishna.
135. Vedamohan
This name refers to the ‘knower of Vedas’ which also refers to Lord Krishna.
136. Viaansh
This name means ‘full of life’ or ‘part of Lord Krishna’.
137. Vihari
This nice name means ‘supreme enjoyer’ which means Lord Krishna.
138. Vihas
Vihas means ‘great smile’ and is another name for Lord Krishna.
139. Vrisa
This name means ‘cow’ or ‘Lord Krishna’.
Vrisa - Lord Krishna Names for Baby Boy
140. Vallabhi
Vallabhi is a baby girl name of Indian origin, meaning ‘one who is beloved’.
141. Vibhavasu
Vibhavasu means ‘the sun’. This is a popular Baby boy name having Indian origin.
142. Vrishaparvaa
The popular Hindu name Vishaparvaa means ‘Lord of Dharma’.
Lord Krishna names for baby boy with Y
Baby boy names inspired by lord krishna starting with Y
143. Yadav
This is the ‘descendent of Yadu’ and is another name of Lord Krishna.
144. Yajnarup
This name means ‘one who is as pure as Yajna, ’ which refers to Lord Krishna.
145. Yadunandan
Yadunandan means ‘Lord Krishna’ and is one of India’s most loved Baby Boy names.