Shava Sadhana and Shava Sadhana mantra

Published By: Bhakti Home
Published on: Friday, Oct 4, 2024
Last Updated: Friday, Oct 4, 2024
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Shava Sadhana is an ancient and esoteric Tantric practice that involves meditating on or with a corpse ("shava"). It is considered one of the most difficult and powerful spiritual practices, performed to transcend fear, unlock spiritual energy, and invoke divine powers. 

Shava Sadhana and Shava Sadhana mantra

In Tantric tradition, this sadhana is performed in extreme conditions, often at night in secluded places like cremation grounds, and is believed to awaken deep spiritual forces within the practitioner.

Purpose and Significance of Shava Sadhana

  • The primary purpose of Shava Sadhana is to confront the fear of death and the unknown. 
  • It helps the practitioner overcome attachments to the material world and body by meditating in close proximity to death. 
  • It is believed that practicing this sadhana opens pathways to higher spiritual realms, allowing the practitioner to attain siddhis (supernatural powers) and profound inner transformation. 
  • However, this practice is extremely advanced and is only meant for experienced practitioners under the guidance of a Guru.

Rituals and Procedure of Shava Sadhana

  1. Selecting the Corpse: The ritual requires a recently deceased corpse. In ancient texts, it is mentioned that certain qualities of the corpse, such as its astrological alignment or purity, can influence the sadhana's results.
  2. Timing and Location: Shava Sadhana is often performed in cremation grounds or other places associated with death. The ideal time for this practice is midnight, particularly on auspicious occasions like new moon nights (Amavasya), making it even more potent.
  3. Preparation: Before performing Shava Sadhana, the practitioner undergoes deep purification processes including fasting, meditation, and mantra chanting. Specific Tantric rituals are also performed to prepare the body and mind.
  4. Chanting Mantras: The practitioner sits on the corpse in a meditative pose and chants specific mantras. These mantras are essential for invoking divine forces, gaining protection, and guiding the practitioner through the sadhana. Below are some mantras associated with Shava Sadhana:


Shava Sadhana Mantra

Here are Shava Sadhana mantras along with their meanings in both Hindi and English:

1. Shiva Shava Sadhana Mantra


Om Hreem Batukaya Aapaduddharanaya 

Kuru Kuru Batukaya Hreem Om Phat Swaha

ॐ ह्रीं बटुकाय आपदुद्धारणाय 

कुरु कुरु बटुकाय ह्रीं ॐ फट् स्वाहा

Meaning in English:
This mantra is a prayer to Lord Batuk Bhairava, an aspect of Shiva, who protects against obstacles and dangers. The practitioner invokes Bhairava’s fierce energy to guide and protect them during the intense Shava Sadhana.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र भगवान बटुक भैरव की स्तुति करता है, जो शिव का उग्र रूप हैं। यह साधना के दौरान आने वाली बाधाओं और खतरों से सुरक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए है।

2. Maha Kaali Shava Sadhana Mantra


Om Hreem Kreem Kleem Kalike Swaha

ॐ ह्रीं क्रीं क्लीं कालिके स्वाहा

Meaning in English:
This mantra invokes the fierce form of Goddess Kali, who represents destruction and transformation. It is chanted to seek Kali's blessings to overcome fear, destroy illusions, and protect the practitioner during the sadhana.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र देवी काली की स्तुति करता है, जो विनाश और परिवर्तन की देवी हैं। इस मंत्र का जाप साधना के दौरान डर और मोह को नष्ट करने और देवी की कृपा प्राप्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

3. Kapalini Shava Sadhana Mantra


Om Kapalini Hreem Hoom Phat

ॐ कपालिनी ह्रीं हुं फट्

Meaning in English:
This mantra invokes Goddess Kapalini, the fierce form of Durga associated with cremation grounds. It is chanted to harness her power and invoke divine protection, courage, and spiritual transformation during the Shava Sadhana.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र देवी कपालिनी की स्तुति करता है, जो दुर्गा का उग्र रूप हैं। साधना के दौरान देवी की शक्ति और संरक्षण प्राप्त करने के लिए इस मंत्र का जाप किया जाता है।

4. Aghora Shava Sadhana Mantra


Om Hreem Aghoraya Namah

ॐ ह्रीं अघोराय नमः

Meaning in English:
This mantra is an invocation to Lord Shiva in his Aghora form, the fierce and raw aspect that rules over death and transformation. The mantra is chanted to protect against negative energies and to help the practitioner confront the harsh realities of life and death during the sadhana.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र भगवान शिव के अघोर रूप की स्तुति करता है, जो मृत्यु और परिवर्तन के देवता हैं। इस मंत्र का जाप साधना के दौरान नकारात्मक शक्तियों से सुरक्षा प्राप्त करने और जीवन और मृत्यु की कठोर सच्चाइयों का सामना करने के लिए किया जाता है।


5. Bhuta Bhairava Mantra


Om Bhutnathaya Vidmahe Kaalantakaya Dhimahi Tanno Bhairavah Prachodayat

ॐ भूतनाथाय विद्महे कालान्तकाय धीमहि तन्नो भैरवः प्रचोदयात्

Meaning in English:
This mantra is an invocation of Bhairava, the fierce form of Lord Shiva, known as the Lord of spirits and the destroyer of time. It is chanted to remove obstacles, protect against malevolent entities, and ensure spiritual success during the sadhana.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र भगवान भैरव की स्तुति करता है, जो भूतनाथ और कालांतक हैं। इस मंत्र का जाप साधना के दौरान बाधाओं को दूर करने, दुष्ट आत्माओं से सुरक्षा प्राप्त करने और आध्यात्मिक सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।


6. Dhumavati Shava Sadhana Mantra


Om Dhumavati Swaha

ॐ धूमावती स्वाहा

Meaning in English:
This mantra calls upon Goddess Dhumavati, who is associated with the void, death, and inauspiciousness. The mantra is used in Shava Sadhana to transcend material desires, eliminate ignorance, and unlock spiritual powers.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र देवी धूमावती की स्तुति करता है, जो शून्यता, मृत्यु और अशुभता से जुड़ी हैं। इस मंत्र का उपयोग साधना के दौरान भौतिक इच्छाओं को पार करने, अज्ञानता को समाप्त करने और आध्यात्मिक शक्तियों को जागृत करने के लिए किया जाता है।


7. Shava Sadhana Mantra (Lord Shiva as Rudra, Kapalin, and Mahakaal)


Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Shuddha Rudraaya Kapaline Maha Kaaleshwaraaya Phat Svaha

Meaning in English:
This mantra is an invocation to Lord Shiva, particularly in his fierce and destructive forms such as Rudra, Kapalin, and Mahakaal. It seeks protection, purification, and spiritual guidance during the sadhana.

Meaning in Hindi:
यह मंत्र भगवान शिव के उग्र और विनाशकारी रूपों जैसे रुद्र, कपालिन और महाकाल की स्तुति करता है। यह साधना के दौरान सुरक्षा, शुद्धि और आध्यात्मिक मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करने के लिए है।


Caution in Chanting the Mantras - Must Read

  • These mantras are deeply powerful and should be used with care, under the guidance of an experienced Guru. 
  • Shava Sadhana is not for beginners and can have adverse effects if performed improperly.
  • These mantras are designed to assist the practitioner in transcending fear, connecting with divine forces, and unlocking the mysteries of life and death. However, they should be practiced with purity of mind and intention.


Benefits of Shava Sadhana

  1. Overcoming Fear of Death: Shava Sadhana allows the practitioner to directly face and transcend the fear of death, making them realize the impermanence of the body and the material world.
  2. Spiritual Awakening: It is believed that this sadhana activates the Kundalini energy, leading to spiritual enlightenment and connection with higher dimensions of consciousness.
  3. Acquisition of Siddhis: Advanced practitioners who successfully complete Shava Sadhana may gain siddhis, or supernatural abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and control over physical matter.
  4. Deep Transformation: This practice brings profound psychological and spiritual transformation by removing illusions and attachments related to the ego and body.


Cautions and Warnings

  1. Not for Beginners: Shava Sadhana is highly advanced and should never be attempted without the guidance of a knowledgeable Guru. It can be mentally and spiritually dangerous for those unprepared.
  2. Psychological Strain: Sitting with a corpse, especially in isolation and at night, can cause extreme psychological stress. It can trigger deep-seated fears and lead to adverse mental effects if not properly guided.
  3. Ritual Purity: The success of Shava Sadhana depends on the ritual purity of the practitioner. Any mistake or impurity during the ritual can lead to dangerous spiritual repercussions.
  4. Divine Protection: Mantras and prayers are essential to invoke divine protection during this sadhana. Without them, the practitioner may be vulnerable to negative energies or spirits in the cremation ground.



  • Shava Sadhana is a deeply transformative but equally challenging Tantric practice aimed at transcending the fear of death and unlocking higher spiritual powers.
  • It requires immense mental and spiritual discipline and should only be performed under the close guidance of an experienced Guru. 
  • The sadhana offers spiritual liberation, but it comes with significant risks if not performed properly. 
  • Its benefits, including overcoming fear and attaining divine wisdom, make it one of the most revered yet secretive practices in Tantra.




The mantras, rituals, and practices mentioned in this article, especially related to Shava Sadhana, are part of ancient spiritual and esoteric traditions that are deeply powerful and sacred. These practices are advanced and require expert guidance, discipline, and purity of intent. Engaging in such practices without proper preparation or under the wrong circumstances can lead to unintended consequences. We strongly recommend consulting a knowledgeable Guru or spiritual guide before attempting any such practices. The information provided here is for educational purposes and does not constitute any form of advice or encouragement to engage in such rituals without appropriate spiritual oversight.

