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Yam Deep Daan Puja Vidhi | yam deep daan procedure | Step-by-Step

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Last Updated: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
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4 minutes
Yam deep daan puja vidhi | yam deep daan procedure | Yam deep puja vidhi
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Yam Deep Daan Puja Vidhi, yam deep daan procedure, yam deep puja vidhi - Yam Deep Daan Puja is a revered ritual performed during Narak Chaturdashi, the day preceding Diwali, and holds significant cultural and spiritual importance in Hindu tradition. This auspicious ceremony is dedicated to Lord Yama, the god of death, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. 

Yam Deep Daan Puja Vidhi | Yam deep daan procedure | Yam deep puja vidhi

By lighting the deepak (oil lamp) and offering prayers, devotees seek Lord Yama's blessings for health, protection, and prosperity for their loved ones. The ritual not only purifies the home but also invites positive energies while dispelling negativity. Through heartfelt prayers and offerings, Yam Deep Daan serves as a reminder of the importance of family, gratitude, and the cycle of life and death, making it an essential part of the Diwali celebrations.

Yam Deep Daan is a significant ritual performed during Narak Chaturdashi, the day before Diwali. This puja honors Yama, the Hindu god of death, and seeks his blessings for health, peace, and protection from evil. Here's a step-by-step guide to performing Yam Deep Daan Puja, including necessary materials, steps, and mantras.

Materials Required:

  1. Deepak (Oil Lamp) - preferably made of clay or metal
  2. Wick (Batti) - cotton wicks to light the lamp
  3. Oil - for filling the lamp (mustard oil or ghee)
  4. Water - preferably Ganga water for purification
  5. Rice (Chawal) - for offering
  6. Flowers - fresh flowers for decoration and offerings
  7. Incense sticks (Agarbatti) - for fragrance
  8. Fruits and Sweets - as Naivedya (offering)
  9. Bowl or Plate - for placing offerings
  10. A new broom (optional) - for symbolic cleansing

Step-by-Step Puja Vidhi:

Step 1: Preparation and Purification

  • Early Morning Ritual: Wake up early, preferably before sunrise. Take a bath and wear clean clothes.
  • Clean the Puja Area: Choose a clean and quiet place for the puja. It could be a small altar or a designated area in your home.

Step 2: Setting Up the Puja

  • Place a Cloth: Spread a clean cloth or a small piece of new fabric on the floor or altar.
  • Install the Deepak: Place the deepak in the center, filling it with oil or ghee and inserting the wick.

Step 3: Invocation of Lord Yama

  • Offer Water: Start by offering water in a bowl, and then pour a few drops of Ganga water around the deepak to purify the space.


"ॐ नमो यमराजाय।" (Om Namo Yamrajaya)


Also read - Yam deep mantra and Yam deep daan mantra with meaning

Step 4: Lighting the Deepak

  • Light the Deepak: After offering water, light the deepak with the wick.

Mantra for Lighting:

"दीपज्योति परब्रह्म दीपज्योति जनार्दनः। दीपो हरतु मे पापं दीपज्योति नमोस्तुते॥" 

(Deep Jyoti Parabrahma, Deep Jyoti Janardhana, Deepo Haratu Me Papam, Deep Jyoti Namostute)

Step 5: Offering Items

  • Rice and Flowers: Sprinkle a few grains of rice around the lamp and place fresh flowers in front of it as an offering.
  • Incense and Fragrance: Light incense sticks and place them near the deepak.

Step 6: Naivedya (Food Offering)

  • Fruits and Sweets: Place fruits and sweets in front of the lamp as Naivedya, symbolizing gratitude and devotion.

Mantra for Naivedya:

"ॐ यमराजाय नमः, इस नैवेद्य को स्वीकार करें।" 

(Om Yamrajaya Namah, Is Naivedya Ko Sveekar Karein)

Step 7: Prayer and Gratitude

  • Pray for Blessings: Close your eyes and offer prayers to Lord Yama for the protection and well-being of your family. You can express your desires for health, prosperity, and peace.

Mantra for Protection:

"ॐ यमराजाय नमः। मेरे परिवार और मित्रों को दीक्षा दीजिये।" 

(Om Yamrajaya Namah. Mere Parivaar Aur Mitron Ko Deeksha Dijiye.)

Step 8: Closing the Puja

  • Conclude the Ritual: After offering your prayers, thank Lord Yama for his blessings.
  • Distribution of Prasad: Share the fruits and sweets offered during the puja with family and friends as Prasad.
  • Broom Offering (Optional): If you have a new broom, you can sweep the area, symbolizing the removal of negativity and welcoming positivity into your home.

Final Notes:

  • Respect and Devotion: Perform the puja with full devotion and a clear mind, focusing on the well-being of your loved ones.
  • Regular Practice: This puja can be performed annually on Narak Chaturdashi to invite blessings and protection.

By performing Yam Deep Daan Puja, you not only honor Lord Yama but also seek his divine protection for your family and home.

