हवन आहुति मंत्र 108 | Havan ahuti mantra 108

Published By: Bhakti Home
Published on: Thursday, Oct 10, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, Oct 13, 2024
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हवन आहुति मंत्र 108 | Havan ahuti mantra 108
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Havan ahuti mantra 108 | हवन आहुति मंत्र 108 - हवन करते समय 108 मंत्रों का जाप किया जाता है। हिंदू धर्म में हवन अनुष्ठान का विशेष महत्व माना जाता है। कहा जाता है कि इससे घर और मन की शुद्धि होती है। साथ ही जो भी मनोकामना होती है, वह भी पूरी होती है। किसी भी पूजा का पूरा फल हवन पूजा से प्राप्त होता है। यहां देखें हवन करते समय किन मंत्रों का जाप किया जाता है।

Havan ahuti mantra 108 | हवन आहुति मंत्र 108

Here is the complete list of 108 Havan Ahuti Mantras in Hindi and English, along with their meanings:

1-10: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ अग्नये स्वाहा
    Om Agnaye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Agni, the god of fire.
  2. ॐ सोमाय स्वाहा
    Om Somaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Soma, the god of nectar.
  3. ॐ आयुः स्वाहा
    Om Ayuh Swaha
    Meaning: I offer for longevity.
  4. ॐ प्रजायै स्वाहा
    Om Prajaye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer for progeny.
  5. ॐ प्रजापतये स्वाहा
    Om Prajapataye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Prajapati, the lord of creation.
  6. ॐ रुद्राय स्वाहा
    Om Rudraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Rudra, the fierce form of Shiva.
  7. ॐ वायु देवाय स्वाहा
    Om Vayu Devaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vayu, the god of wind.
  8. ॐ सूर्याय स्वाहा
    Om Suryaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Surya, the Sun god.
  9. ॐ चन्द्रमसे स्वाहा
    Om Chandramase Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Chandra, the Moon god.
  10. ॐ ब्रह्मणे स्वाहा
    Om Brahmane Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Brahma, the creator.

11-20: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ विष्णवे स्वाहा
    Om Vishnave Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vishnu, the preserver.
  2. ॐ शिवाय स्वाहा
    Om Shivaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Shiva, the destroyer.
  3. ॐ इन्द्राय स्वाहा
    Om Indraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Indra, the king of gods.
  4. ॐ वरुणाय स्वाहा
    Om Varunaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Varuna, the god of water.
  5. ॐ बृहस्पतये स्वाहा
    Om Brihaspataye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Brihaspati, the guru of gods.
  6. ॐ मारुताय स्वाहा
    Om Marutaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the Maruts, storm gods.
  7. ॐ कुवेराय स्वाहा
    Om Kuveraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Kubera, the god of wealth.
  8. ॐ सोमराजाय स्वाहा
    Om Somarajaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the king of herbs and plants, Soma.
  9. ॐ धनदाय स्वाहा
    Om Dhanadaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the bestower of wealth.
  10. ॐ ऋताय स्वाहा
    Om Rtayah Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the cosmic truth.

21-30: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ यमाय स्वाहा
    Om Yamaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Yama, the god of death.
  2. ॐ कालाय स्वाहा
    Om Kalaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to time, the destroyer.
  3. ॐ विश्वकर्मणे स्वाहा
    Om Vishwakarmane Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vishwakarma, the divine architect.
  4. ॐ पवमानाय स्वाहा
    Om Pavamanaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the purifier.
  5. ॐ अश्विनौ स्वाहा
    Om Ashwinau Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the Ashwini twins, divine physicians.
  6. ॐ भौमाय स्वाहा
    Om Bhaumaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Mars, the planet of energy.
  7. ॐ बुधाय स्वाहा
    Om Budhaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Mercury, the planet of intelligence.
  8. ॐ शुक्राय स्वाहा
    Om Shukraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Venus, the planet of beauty and love.
  9. ॐ शनैश्चराय स्वाहा
    Om Shanaischaraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Saturn, the planet of discipline.
  10. ॐ राहवे स्वाहा
    Om Rahave Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Rahu, the shadow planet.

31-40: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ केतवे स्वाहा
    Om Ketave Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Ketu, the shadow planet.
  2. ॐ सरस्वत्यै स्वाहा
    Om Saraswatyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge.
  3. ॐ लक्ष्म्यै स्वाहा
    Om Lakshmyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
  4. ॐ पार्वत्यै स्वाहा
    Om Parvatyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Parvati, the goddess of power.
  5. ॐ दुर्गायै स्वाहा
    Om Durgaayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Durga, the goddess of protection.
  6. ॐ कात्यायन्यै स्वाहा
    Om Katyayanyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Katyayani, a form of Durga.
  7. ॐ महालक्ष्म्यै स्वाहा
    Om Maha Lakshmyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Mahalakshmi, the great goddess of fortune.
  8. ॐ स्कन्दाय स्वाहा
    Om Skandaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Skanda, the god of war.
  9. ॐ हनुमते स्वाहा
    Om Hanumate Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Hanuman, the monkey god.
  10. ॐ विष्णुप्रिये स्वाहा
    Om Vishnupriye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Lakshmi, beloved of Vishnu.

41-50: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ कालरात्र्यै स्वाहा
    Om Kalaratryai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Kalaratri, the dark goddess.
  2. ॐ महाकालाय स्वाहा
    Om Mahakalaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Mahakala, the great time.
  3. ॐ नारायणाय स्वाहा
    Om Narayanaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Narayana, the supreme being.
  4. ॐ कामदेवाय स्वाहा
    Om Kamadevaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Kamadeva, the god of love.
  5. ॐ ऋचाये स्वाहा
    Om Richaye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the divine hymns.
  6. ॐ सत्याय स्वाहा
    Om Satyaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the ultimate truth.
  7. ॐ तत्त्वाय स्वाहा
    Om Tattvaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the principle of existence.
  8. ॐ गुरवे स्वाहा
    Om Gurave Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the guru, the spiritual teacher.
  9. ॐ चण्डिकायै स्वाहा
    Om Chandikayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Chandi, the fierce goddess.
  10. ॐ गंगायै स्वाहा
    Om Gangayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Ganga, the holy river goddess.

51-60: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ यमुनायै स्वाहा
    Om Yamunayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Yamuna, the river goddess.
  2. ॐ नर्मदायै स्वाहा
    Om Narmadayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Narmada, the river goddess.
  3. ॐ शीतलायै स्वाहा
    Om Sheetalayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Sheetala, the goddess of coolness and cleanliness.
  4. ॐ अन्नपूर्णायै स्वाहा
    Om Annapurnayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Annapurna, the goddess of food.
  5. ॐ संतोष्यै स्वाहा
    Om Santoshyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Santoshi, the goddess of contentment.
  6. ॐ कालिकायै स्वाहा
    Om Kalikayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Kali, the fierce form of the goddess.
  7. ॐ भगवत्यै स्वाहा
    Om Bhagavatyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Bhagavati, the goddess of fortune and glory.
  8. ॐ मातरायै स्वाहा
    Om Matarayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the divine mothers.
  9. ॐ पुरुषाय स्वाहा
    Om Purushaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the divine masculine principle.
  10. ॐ हंसाय स्वाहा
    Om Hamsaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the divine swan, symbol of purity.

61-70: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ जगन्नाथाय स्वाहा
    Om Jagannathaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Jagannath, the lord of the universe.
  2. ॐ हृषीकेशाय स्वाहा
    Om Hrishikeshaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Hrishikesh, the lord of the senses.
  3. ॐ कृष्णाय स्वाहा
    Om Krishnaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Krishna, the lord of compassion.
  4. ॐ रामचन्द्राय स्वाहा
    Om Ramachandraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Ramachandra, the lord of virtue.
  5. ॐ वासुदेवाय स्वाहा
    Om Vasudevaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vasudeva, father of Krishna.
  6. ॐ बलरामाय स्वाहा
    Om Balaramaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Balarama, brother of Krishna.
  7. ॐ नारसिंहाय स्वाहा
    Om Narasimhaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Narasimha, the half-lion, half-man incarnation of Vishnu.
  8. ॐ वामनाय स्वाहा
    Om Vamanaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vamana, the dwarf incarnation of Vishnu.
  9. ॐ परशुरामाय स्वाहा
    Om Parashuramaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Parashurama, the warrior sage.
  10. ॐ गौतमाय स्वाहा
    Om Gautamaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Gautama, the Buddha, the enlightened one.

71-80: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ गौरीशंकराय स्वाहा
    Om Gaurishankaraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Shiva and Parvati, the divine couple.
  2. ॐ नागदेवाय स्वाहा
    Om Nagadevaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the serpent god.
  3. ॐ वासुकये स्वाहा
    Om Vasukaye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vasuki, the king of serpents.
  4. ॐ शेषनागाय स्वाहा
    Om Sheshnagaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Sheshnaag, the serpent of eternity.
  5. ॐ गरुड़ाय स्वाहा
    Om Garudaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Garuda, the king of birds.
  6. ॐ वज्रपाणये स्वाहा
    Om Vajrapanaye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vajrapani, the holder of the thunderbolt.
  7. ॐ धर्मराजाय स्वाहा
    Om Dharmarajaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Dharmaraja, the lord of justice.
  8. ॐ अशोकाय स्वाहा
    Om Ashokaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the one free from sorrow.
  9. ॐ शांति देव्यै स्वाहा
    Om Shanti Devyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Shanti, the goddess of peace.
  10. ॐ नृसिंहाय स्वाहा
    Om Nrisinghaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Narasimha, the fierce protector.

81-90: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ ऋणमुक्ताय स्वाहा
    Om Rnamuktaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the one who frees from debts.
  2. ॐ मोक्षाय स्वाहा
    Om Mokshaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer for liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
  3. ॐ वैद्यनाथाय स्वाहा
    Om Vaidyanathaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vaidyanatha, the lord of physicians.
  4. ॐ वाचस्पतये स्वाहा
    Om Vachaspatiye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vachaspati, the lord of speech.
  5. ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय स्वाहा
    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Vasudeva, the all-pervading divinity.
  6. ॐ लक्ष्मी नारायणाय स्वाहा
    Om Lakshmi Narayanaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Lakshmi and Narayana.
  7. ॐ सत्यनारायणाय स्वाहा
    Om Satyanarayanaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Satyanarayana, the lord of truth.
  8. ॐ गजेन्द्रमोक्षाय स्वाहा
    Om Gajendra Mokshaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the deliverer of the elephant king.
  9. ॐ सूर्यनारायणाय स्वाहा
    Om Suryanarayanaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Surya Narayana, the Sun god.
  10. ॐ भद्रकाली स्वाहा
    Om Bhadrakalye Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Bhadrakali, the auspicious form of Kali.

91-100: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ महादेवाय स्वाहा
    Om Mahadevaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Mahadeva, the great god.
  2. ॐ शरण्याय स्वाहा
    Om Sharanyaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the one who provides refuge.
  3. ॐ बालाजी स्वाहा
    Om Balaji Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Balaji, an incarnation of Vishnu.
  4. ॐ सुभद्राय स्वाहा
    Om Subhadraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Subhadra, the auspicious goddess.
  5. ॐ वेदव्यासाय स्वाहा
    Om Vedavyasaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Veda Vyasa, the compiler of Vedas.
  6. ॐ कन्यायै स्वाहा
    Om Kanyayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the divine virgin goddess.
  7. ॐ अनंताय स्वाहा
    Om Anantaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Ananta, the infinite one.
  8. ॐ रामदूताय स्वाहा
    Om Ramdutaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Hanuman, the messenger of Lord Rama.
  9. ॐ त्र्यम्बकाय स्वाहा
    Om Tryambakaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the three-eyed lord, Shiva.
  10. ॐ नीलकंठाय स्वाहा
    Om Neelakanthaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Neelakantha, the blue-throated Shiva.

101-108: हवन आहुति मंत्र | Havan ahuti mantra

  1. ॐ वीरभद्राय स्वाहा
    Om Virabhadraya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Virabhadra, the fierce warrior form of Shiva.
  2. ॐ अर्घ्यम स्वाहा
    Om Arghyam Swaha
    Meaning: I offer water as an offering.
  3. ॐ पूर्णाहुति स्वाहा
    Om Purnahuti Swaha
    Meaning: I offer the final oblation.
  4. ॐ भूम्यै स्वाहा
    Om Bhumyai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to Mother Earth.
  5. ॐ गोमातायै स्वाहा
    Om Gomatayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the sacred cow.
  6. ॐ तुलसी मातायै स्वाहा
    Om Tulasi Matayai Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the Tulsi plant, the sacred basil.
  7. ॐ विघ्नविनाशाय स्वाहा
    Om Vighnavinashaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to the remover of obstacles.
  8. ॐ सर्वदेवाय स्वाहा
    Om Sarvadevaya Swaha
    Meaning: I offer to all the gods.

These 108 mantras are a traditional part of Havan rituals, representing offerings to various deities, divine forces, and cosmic principles for peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

