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Rishi panchami story in english | 3 Mythical Stories

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Monday, September 2, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, September 8, 2024
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7 minutes
Rishi panchami story in english
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Rishi panchami story in english, rishi panchami vrat katha in english - Here we are going to tell the stories related to Rishi Panchami which are very popular. In many places, three stories are told, due to which the results of fasting are tripled.


Before starting Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha, Rishi Panchami Katha, Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha or Rishi Panchami Katha, meditate on the seven sages and chant this mantra. Say.

Kasyapotrirbhardwajo vishwamitroth gautam.

Jamadagnirvasisthashcha Saptaite Rishayah Smritaah.

Dahantu Paapam Sarva Grihanantvardhyam Namo Namah॥

This mantra has the names of sages like Kashyap, Atri, Bharadwaj, Vishwamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Vashishtha etc. 

If you are unable to say the mantra, then take the names of these sages - O Sage Kashyap, Sage Atri, Rishi Bharadwaj, Rishi Vishwamitra, Rishi Gautam, Rishi Jamadagni, Rishi Vasishtha, please come to our worship.

Rishi panchami story in English -1

Here is first rishi panchami vrat katha in english (Rishi panchami story in english).

In the Satyuga, there was a king named Shyenjit in Vidarbha city. He was like a sage.

There was a farmer named Sumitra in his kingdom. His wife Jayshree was very devoted to her husband. Once during the rainy season, when his wife was busy in farming, she became menstruating. She came to know that she was menstruating, still she continued doing household chores.

After some time both the man and the woman lived their full life and died.

Jayashree became a bitch and Sumitra became a bitch due to coming in contact with a menstruating woman They got the womb of a bull because there was no fault in them except the defect of menstruation.

Due to this both of them remembered all the details of their previous birth. Both of them lived in the same city with their son Suchitra in the form of a bitch and a bull. Dharm

Suchitr used to treat his guests with great respect. On the day of his father's shraddha, he prepared many types of food for the brahmins to eat.

When his wife had gone out of the kitchen for some work, A snake spat poison into the pot of kheer. Suchitra's mother was watching everything from a distance in the form of a bitch. When her son's daughter-in-law came, she put her mouth in that vessel to save her son from the sin of killing a brahma.

Suchitra's wife Chandravati could not see this act of the bitch and she took out a burning wood from the stove and threw it on the bitch. Beat her.

The poor dog started running here and there after getting beaten. Suchitra's daughter-in-law used to feed whatever leftover food was left in the kitchen to the dog, but due to anger she used to throw it out too.

After throwing away all the food items After cleaning the utensils, she cooked food again and fed the brahmins.

At night, the bitch, distraught with hunger, came to her former husband who was living in the form of a bull and said, O Lord! Today I am very hungry. I am dying. Although my son used to give me food every day, today I did not get anything. Due to the fear of committing many brahmahatyas, I had touched the vessel of kheer containing snake poison and made it inedible.

Because of this, his daughter-in-law beat me up and did not give me anything to eat.

Then the bull said, O noble one! Because of your sins, I have also come into this form and today my back is broken while carrying the load.

Today I He also ploughed the field the whole day. My son did not give me food today and also beat me a lot. By troubling me in this way, he has made this Shraddha fruitless.

Suchitra was listening to these words of her parents, she said to both of them He fed them a full meal at one time and went to the forest, saddened by their suffering.

Going to the forest, he asked the sages that due to which deeds his parents have been born in such low births and how will they get salvation now.

Then Sarvaatma Rishi said that for their salvation, you should observe Rishi Panchami fast along with your wife and give its fruits to your parents. On the Shukla Panchami of the month of Bhadrapad, in the afternoon, clean your face, take a bath in the holy water of the river, wear new silk clothes and worship the Saptarishis including Arundhati.

On hearing this, Suchitra returned to his home and performed the worship of the fast along with his wife as per the rituals. Due to the effect of her virtue, both her parents were freed from animal birth.

So, the woman who observes Rishi Panchami fast with devotion, goes to Vaikuntha after enjoying all the worldly pleasures.


Rishi panchami story in English - 2

Here is second rishi panchami vrat katha in english (Rishi panchami story in english).

According to a story, once King Sitashwa went to Brahmaji to know the essence of religion and asked him to tell about the fast that destroys all sins.

On this, Brahmaji gave him information about Rishi Panchami fast and narrated the story.

He told that a virtuous Brahmin named Uttank lived in Vidarbha.

His wife's name was Sushila and she was a devoted wife. She had a son and a daughter, that is, there were a total of two children.

When the girl became marriageable, the Brahmin married her, however, after some time, a calamity befell her and she became a widow.

On this, the saddened Brahmin couple built a hut on the river bank and started living with their daughter.

Meanwhile, one day the girl was sleeping, when worms got into her body.

She told this to her mother. The mother told this to her husband and asked why her daughter had to suffer this pain.

Uttank meditated and found out that in the previous birth this girl was a Brahmin and used to touch utensils even when she was menstruating.

Although she has got this birth to suffer the consequences of that sin, still she did not observe the Rishi Panchami fast.

This is the reason why worms have started growing in her body.

The Brahmin told that a menstruating woman becomes pure on the first day like a Chandalini, on the second day like a Brahmaghatini, on the third day like a washerwoman and on the fourth day after taking a bath.

If she observes the Rishi Panchami fast even now, then her sorrows will be removed and she will get unbroken good fortune in the next birth.

With the permission of her father, the girl observed the Rishi Panchami fast. This removed her sorrows and she got unbroken good fortune.


Rishi panchami story in English - 3

Here is third rishi panchami vrat katha in english (Rishi panchami story in english).

Once a Brahmin and a Brahmini used to keep the fast of Sapta Rishi to get a child and when they got a daughter as a child, they started making her also do this fast.

After this, they also got her married to a person who lived in their house as a son-in-law. Both the father-in-law and the son-in-law started working together in the fields.

The Brahmin asked the Brahmini to bring kheer for him and rabri for the son-in-law, the Brahmini also started doing the same.

One day when the Brahmin had to go out for work, the Brahmini brought food and told the son-in-law that the food in one vessel is of your father-in-law and in the other is yours.

Hearing this, the son-in-law thought that what has she brought for her father-in-law that she said that this is yours and this is your father-in-law's.

The son-in-law opened his father-in-law's vessel and saw kheer in it, as soon as he saw the kheer, his mind started tempting and he ate the kheer.

When the Brahmin came and saw that the son-in-law had eaten the kheer, he got angry and cut his son-in-law into seven pieces with an axe and hid them in seven different places.

When the Brahmin's daughter's husband did not come home for three days, the Sapta Rishis thought it was necessary to break his fast.

For this, they disguised themselves as different animals and found his pieces and brought him back to life.

They also told him not to live with his in-laws and he did the same.

He started living separately from his in-laws. All this was possible due to the power of his wife's Rishi Panchami fast.

