14 Types of Pitra Dosha, symptoms and remedies

Published By: Bhakti Home
Published on: Sunday, Sep 15, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, Sep 15, 2024
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14 Types of Pitra Dosha Pitra Dosh Symptoms Pitra Dosh Remedies
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14 Types of Pitra Dosha or Pitru Dosh, symptoms and remedies: In Vedic Astrology, Pitra Dosh is a negative karmic pattern that affects the lives of descendants, causing various obstacles and challenges. There are in total 14 Types of Pitra Dosha. 

Ancestral curse can be identified in the birth chart and brings consequences like financial struggles, career instability, growth obstacles, health issues, family conflicts, and relationship problems.

What is Pitra Dosha & 14 Types of Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha, in Vedic Astrology, refers to a karmic imbalance caused by unsettled ancestral energy. It occurs when the departed ancestors or family members have unfulfilled desires, unresolved issues, or uncompleted duties, leading to negative influences on their descendants' lives. This imbalance can bring challenges and hardships for the family. Pitra Dosha can be resolved through specific rituals and remedies, which aim to bring peace to the ancestors and restore harmony for future generations.


14 Types of Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha, caused by the unfulfilled duties or karmic imbalances of ancestors, can manifest in various forms. According to Vedic Astrology, there are 14 main types of Pitru Rin Dosha. These types arise from different issues faced by the departed souls and can negatively impact the lives of their descendants.

1. Pitra Dosha Due to Pitru Shrapa

This type occurs when ancestors have been cursed, causing distress to their descendants.

2. Pitra Dosha Due to Unfulfilled Desires

When ancestors pass away with unfulfilled desires, it creates Pitra Dosha, leading to problems for future generations.

3. Pitra Dosha Due to Curses

If ancestors were cursed by someone during their lifetime, this can lead to Pitra Dosha in the family line.

4. Pitra Dosha Due to Early Death

The untimely death of ancestors can leave their karma incomplete, affecting their descendants.

5. Pitra Dosha Due to Lack of Proper Rituals

Failure to perform necessary rituals for the deceased can result in this type of Pitra Dosha.

6. Pitra Dosha Due to Unnatural Deaths

Unnatural or violent deaths of ancestors can disrupt their peace and create karmic imbalances.

7. Pitra Dosha Due to Bad Karma

The negative actions or bad karma of ancestors can lead to suffering for their descendants.

8. Pitra Dosha Due to Disobedience

Disobedience or disrespect towards elders or ancestors can cause this form of Pitra Dosha.

9. Pitra Dosha Due to Theft

If ancestors were involved in theft or dishonesty, it can manifest as Pitra Dosha for the family.

10. Pitra Dosha Due to Ill-Treatment of Cows

Mistreatment of sacred cows by ancestors can bring about this specific type of Pitra Dosha.

11. Pitra Dosha Due to Unlawful Sexual Relations

Ancestral involvement in unlawful or immoral sexual activities can create karmic imbalances.

12. Pitra Dosha Due to Abortion

The act of abortion by ancestors, or if they were involved in ending a life prematurely, may lead to Pitra Dosha.

13. Pitra Dosha Due to Lack of Respect for Elders

Disrespect or neglect of elders can lead to this type of karmic imbalance.

14. Pitra Dosha Due to Abandonment of Family or Responsibilities

Abandoning family duties or responsibilities by ancestors may result in severe consequences for their descendants.


Pitra Dosha symptoms - Effects of Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha, according to Vedic Astrology, can bring several negative effects into the lives of descendants. These impacts can influence various aspects of life, causing difficulties in health, relationships, career, and finances. Let’s explore the common effects of Pitra Dosha.

1. Health Issues

Individuals with Pitra Dosha in their Kundali may experience unexplained health problems. This could include physical ailments, chronic diseases, or mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

2. Marriage Problems

Pitra Dosha can cause significant issues in relationships and marriage. People affected may face delays in getting married, conflicts with their spouse, separations, or even legal problems related to marriage.

3. Career Setbacks

Career-related obstacles are common among those with Pitra Dosha. They may encounter delays in promotions, frequent job changes, instability in their professional life, or unexpected career setbacks.

4. Childlessness

Pitra Dosha can also create problems related to children. Individuals may experience difficulties in conceiving or even face the challenge of childlessness despite several efforts.

5. Fear of Death

Astrologers often associate Pitra Dosha with an irrational fear of death. Those affected may have frequent thoughts or anxiety surrounding the idea of death, ranging from mild concerns to severe fears.

6. Financial Problems

Financial instability is another major effect of Pitra Dosha. This can manifest as frequent monetary losses, failed investments, delayed financial progress, or making poor financial decisions.

7. Loss of Reputation

Individuals suffering from Pitra Dosha may face issues with their public image. Legal troubles or baseless defamation can lead to a significant loss of reputation in society.

By addressing the effects of Pitra Dosha through remedies, it’s believed one can mitigate these problems and bring balance to their life.


Pitra Dosha remedies

To reduce the negative effects of Pitra Dosha, certain remedies can be practiced. These actions help to honor and appease ancestors, bringing relief from the adverse impacts of this dosha. Here are some effective remedies for Pitra Dosha:

1. Pitra Puja or Pitra Tarpan

  • Performing Pitra Tarpan, which involves offering holy water to ancestors while chanting sacred mantras, is one of the most important remedies. 
  • This ritual helps in seeking the blessings of departed souls.

Also read - Pitru tarpan mantra - Discover Mantras for Each Ancestor


2. Chanting Mantras

  • Reciting Vedic mantras dedicated to ancestors can also help pacify the effects of Pitra Dosha. 
  • These mantras are powerful and are believed to please the ancestors, bringing peace to their souls.

Also read - Pitru Gayatri Mantra in English and Hindi | Sanskrit (With Benefits)


3. Charity and Donations

  • Making donations or offering charity to those in need is another effective way to balance the karma. 
  • Acts of generosity help seek ancestral blessings and reduce the negative influence of Pitra Dosha.

Also read - पितृ दोष के लिए अमावस्या पर क्या करें | Somvati amavasya upay for pitra dosh


4. Visiting Ancestral Places

  • Visiting ancestral homes or places of significance to your family lineage can help resolve ancestral issues. 
  • It allows you to connect with your roots and seek forgiveness for any unresolved matters.


5. Seeking Karmic Balance

  • Engaging in spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and leading a virtuous life can restore karmic balance. 
  • By focusing on self-improvement and leading a righteous lifestyle, you may find favor with your ancestors.

These remedies, when performed sincerely, are believed to reduce the negative effects of Pitra Dosha and bring peace and harmony to the descendants.


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