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Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi at home step by step in english

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Last Updated: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
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ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi
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Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi: Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is one of the most widely celebrated Hindu festivals, dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the deity of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune, who is also revered as the remover of obstacles.

Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi

This festival commemorates the birth of Lord Ganesha, during which devotees bring home clay idols of the deity and conduct special pujas (ritual worship) over a span of ten days.

If you're planning to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi at home, this guide will provide you with all the essential information, and a step-by-step Puja Vidhi (ritual procedure).


Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi - Puja Samagri (Essentials)

Gather These Essential Items Before Starting the Puja. 

To perform a meaningful Ganesh Chaturthi puja, collect the following essential items:

1. Idol and Seating
  • Ganesh Idol: An eco-friendly clay idol of Lord Ganesha
  • Aasan: A clean cloth or mat for placing the idol
  • Chowki: A small wooden platform to place the idol
  • Red Cloth: To drape over the chowki or cover the idol
2. Ritualistic Items
  • Kalash: A copper or silver pot filled with water, topped with a coconut and mango leaves
  • Panchamrit: A mixture of milk, curd, ghee, honey, and sugar
  • Incense Sticks and Dhoop: To purify the environment
  • Camphor: For Ganesh ji Aarti
3. Offerings
  • Flowers: Red flowers, especially hibiscus, considered auspicious
  • Durva Grass: Sacred grass dear to Lord Ganesha
  • Modaks: Sweet dumplings, Lord Ganesha's favorite offering
  • Fruits: Any 5 fruits, A variety of fresh fruits like bananas, apples, and pomegranates
  • Betel Leaves and Nuts: For offering to Lord Ganesh
  • Coconut: To be placed on the Kalash and also as an offering
4. Ritual Items
  • Sandalwood Paste: For tilak (a mark made on the idol)
  • Rice (Akshata): colored rice used for rituals
  • Turmeric and Kumkum: For tilak and rituals
  • Coins/Money: For symbolic offerings
  • Conch Shell (Shankh): To be blown during the Aarti


Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi - Puja Preparation

Below is the Step-by-Step Guide that you need to do for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Preparation.

Step 1: Purify the Space

Begin by thoroughly cleaning the area where the puja will be performed to maintain a clean and pure environment, inviting Lord Ganesha into your home.

Step 2: Decorate the Puja Area

Set up a small altar with the chowki, covering it with a red cloth. Arrange the Kalash, filled with water, mango leaves, and a coconut. 

Adorn the area with flowers, rangoli, and light diyas to create a festive atmosphere.

Step 3: Place the Ganesh Idol

Position the Ganesh idol on the chowki, facing east or north, considered auspicious directions. 

Choose from various idol types, such as marble or brass, for a traditional and elegant touch.

Step 4: Arrange the Offerings

Organize all the puja items on a plate, placing modaks, fruits, and other offerings in front of the idol.

Step 5: Personal Preparation

Take a bath before the puja and wear clean, preferably new clothes. 

Adopt traditional attire like sarees or dhotis, and sit comfortably on the floor to stay grounded during the ritual.


Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi (Rituals) Step by Step

Here is step by step guide for Ganesh chaturthi puja vidhi at home,

Step 1: Make a Sincere Vow (Sankalpa)

Begin by making a heartfelt commitment to perform the puja with dedication and devotion. 

Recite the Sankalpa mantra while holding water in your right hand and pouring it into a plate or small vessel, symbolizing your intention.

Step 2: Invite Lord Ganesha's Presence

Purify the space by sprinkling water around the idol. Then, light incense sticks and dhoop, and offer flowers, Durva grass, and sandalwood paste to the idol, inviting Lord Ganesha's presence.

Step 3: Infuse Life into the Idol (Pran Pratishtha)

Close your eyes and chant the Pran Pratishtha mantra, requesting Lord Ganesha to reside in the idol for the duration of the festival. 

This ritual invokes life into the idol, making it a sacred and divine representation.

Step 4: Perform Shodashopachara vidhi (ritual)

Perform the 16 Sacred Offerings to Lord Ganesha

1. Aasana: Offer a Sacred Seat - Present a red cloth as a seat for Lord Ganesha to sit upon.

2. Padyam: Offer Water for the Feet - Offer water to wash Lord Ganesha's feet.

3. Arghyam: Offer Water for the Hands - Provide water to cleanse Lord Ganesha's hands.

4. Aachamanam: Offer Water for Sipping - Offer water for Lord Ganesha to sip.

5. Snanam: Bathe the Idol - Bathe the idol with water.

6. Vastra: Offer New Clothes - Offer new clothes or a piece of cloth to Lord Ganesha.

7. Upavastra: Offer Additional Cloth - Provide an additional piece of cloth.

8. Gandham: Apply Sandalwood Paste - Apply sandalwood paste to Lord Ganesha.

9. Pushpam: Offer Flowers - Offer flowers to Lord Ganesha.

10. Dhupam: Light Incense - Light incense and offer it to Lord Ganesha.

11. Deepam: Light the Lamp - Light the lamp and offer it to Lord Ganesha.

12. Naivedyam: Offer Food and Sweets - Offer food, sweets (especially modaks), and fruits to Lord Ganesha.

13. Achamaniyam: Offer Water Again- Offer water again for Lord Ganesha to sip.

14. Tambulam: Offer Betel Leaves and Nuts - Offer betel leaves and nuts to Lord Ganesha.

15. Dakshina: Offer Monetary Donation - Offer coins or any monetary donation to Lord Ganesha.

16. Aarti: Perform the Aarti Ritual

Step 5: Offer Naivedyam (Sacred Food Offerings)

Present modaks, fruits, and other sweets to Lord Ganesha, chanting the Naivedyam mantra to request acceptance of your offerings.

Step 6: Perform the Aarti Ritual

Light camphor on a plate and rotate it in a circular motion in front of the idol, accompanied by bells, claps, and the conch shell. Chant the Ganesha Aarti to invoke Lord Ganesha's blessings.

Step 7: Chant Powerful Ganesh Mantras

Recite these sacred mantras during the puja:

Removes obstacles

Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha, 

Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada

Seeks Lord Ganesha's blessings
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah

Gayatri mantra for Lord Ganesha's guidance
Om Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya Dhimahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat

Step 8: Perform Pradakshina (Circumambulation)

After the Aarti, circle around the idol three times to symbolize the cyclical nature of life and surrender to Lord Ganesha's divine power.

Step 9: Distribute Prasadam

Conclude the puja by sharing the prasad (offered sweets and fruits) with everyone present, receiving Lord Ganesha's divine blessings and graciousness.

