Hanuman ji ki siddh chaupai (सिद्ध चौपाई )
In this blog we are going to discuss "Hanuman ji ki siddh chaupai" (Hanumanji's Siddha Chaupai) which are very much poweful and by chanting these chaupai one can accomplish difficult tasks. Siddha (सिद्ध) is hindi word which has meaning as accomplished or perfect.
कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं - kavan so kaj kathin jag mahi
This poweful chaupai is as follows.
कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं। जो नहिं होइ तात तुम्ह पाहीं॥
kavan so kaj kathin jag mahi । Jo Nahi Hoi Taat Tumh Paahin ॥
अर्थ: जगत (संसार) में कौन सा ऐसा कठिन कार्य है जिसे हे तात! तुमसे नहीं हो सकता।
Meaning : What is such a difficult task in the world that O Tat (Hanuman ji)! You can't do it.
Explanation and history: These lines are from Ramcharitmanas. When Jamwant, Angad and Hanumanji reached the southern beach while searching for Mother Sita, they were debating as to who should go to Lanka to find Mother Sita.
Then Jamwant ji declared himself incapable due to being old. Angad had doubts about his strength and ability, whether he would be able to go to Lanka or not?
Then Jamwant ji reminded Hanuman ji of his power, and said, what is the task in the world which is impossible for you. You are the son of the wind, very strong, you are the pinnacle of wisdom, prudence and scriptures. You have incarnated for Shri Ram Ji. With the inspiration of Jamwant, Hanuman ji realized his power and duty and with indomitable courage he flew to find Mother Sita.
Complete chaupai is as follows:
कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं। जो नहिं होइ तात तुम्ह पाहीं॥
राम काज लगि तव अवतारा। सुनतहिं भयउ पर्बताकारा॥
Kavan so kaj kathin jag mahi । Jo Nahi Hoi Taat Tumh Paahin ॥
Ram kaaj lagi tav Avatara। Sunatahin bhayu Parbataakaara॥
पवन तनय बल पवन समाना - Pawan Tanay bal pawan samana
The second most beneficial chaupai is:
पवन तनय बल पवन समाना। बुधि बिबेक बिग्यान निधाना॥
Pawan Tanay bal pawan samana। Buddhi Bibek Bigyan Nidhana॥
अर्थ: तुम (हनुमान जी) पवन के पुत्र हो और पवन के समान बलशाली हो, तुम्हारे पास बुद्धि और विवेक की निधि (खजाना ) है ।
Meaning: You (Hanuman ji) are the son of the wind and are as strong as the wind, you have the treasure of wisdom and discretion.
Complete chaupai is as follows:
कहइ रीछपति सुनु हनुमाना। का चुप साधि रहेहु बलवाना॥
पवन तनय बल पवन समाना। बुधि बिबेक बिग्यान निधाना॥