Hariyali Teej is a revered Hindu festival observed two days prior to Naga Panchami in August. This auspicious day honors the union of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, with Maa Parvati accepting Lord Shiva as her divine consort. Devotees affectionately refer to this day as Teej Maata.
Hariyali Teej: A Joyous Celebration of Matrimonial Bliss
Primarily celebrated in northern India, Hariyali Teej is marked by women observing fasts and offering prayers for the well-being and longevity of their husbands. The festival is also characterized by:
- Parents bestowing gifts upon their daughters
- Adorning green attire, symbolizing nature's bounty
- Ornamenting with vibrant jewelry
- Applying intricate Mehndi designs
When is hariyali teej?
Hariyali Teej typically happens 2 days before Naga Panchami.
Hariyali Teej is observed on the third day (Tritiya) after the Shukla Paksha, which marks the new moon or full moon phase. This is the fifth month of the Hindu calendar, Shravan Maas.
Coinciding with the onset of the monsoon season in India, this festival is also known as Haryali Teej, symbolizing the lush greenery that accompanies the rains.
Additionally, it's referred to as Shravani Teej. Holding immense significance for women, this celebration is akin to Karwa Chauth, as they offer prayers for their husbands' well-being and prosperity. Let's delve into the legends surrounding the Teej festival.
हरियाली तीज कब है?
हरियाली तीज सामान्यतः नाग पंचमी से 2 दिन पहले होती है।
यह हिंदू कैलेंडर के पांचवें महीने श्रावण मास के शुक्ल पक्ष (अमावस्या या पूर्णिमा) के बाद तीसरे दिन (तृतीया )को मनाया जाता है।
Teej Meaning
The term "Teej" is derived from the word "third", signifying its occurrence on the third day following a full moon or new moon night.
As a result, this festive occasion is typically celebrated on the third day after the full moon or new moon night, coinciding with the arrival of the monsoon season.
तीज का अर्थ
"तीज" शब्द "तीसरी" शब्द से लिया गया है, जिसका अर्थ है पूर्णिमा या अमावस्या की रात के बाद तीसरे दिन इसका आना।
इसलिए, यह त्यौहार आमतौर पर पूर्णिमा या अमावस्या की रात के बाद तीसरे दिन मनाया जाता है, जो मानसून के मौसम के आगमन के साथ मेल खाता है।
Hariyali teej story & History
Hariyali teej is the re-union of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva
- According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Parvati reunited with Lord Shiva on this day.
Hariyali teej is the story of Devotion and Penance of Goddess Parvati
- It is believed that Goddess Parvati, an ardent admirer of Lord Shiva, had a strong desire to marry him.
- She observed fasts and prayed to Lord Shiva for a hundred years to win his favor and to become his wife.
- She underwent rigorous tapasya (penance) and took 108 births on earth, failing to marry Lord Shiva until her 107th birth.
- During her 108th birth, Goddess Parvati finally succeeded in winning Lord Shiva over and became known as Teej Maata.
Celebrating and worshipping Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati on this day is believed to bless women with marital bliss, the good health of their husbands and children, and harmony in married life.
This auspicious day honors Goddess Parvati and her unwavering dedication to Lord Shiva.
हरियाली तीज की कहानी और इतिहास
हरियाली तीज देवी पार्वती और भगवान शिव का पुनर्मिलन है
- हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, इस दिन देवी पार्वती का भगवान शिव से पुनर्मिलन हुआ था।
हरियाली तीज देवी पार्वती की भक्ति और तपस्या की कहानी है
- ऐसा माना जाता है कि देवी पार्वती को भगवान शिव से विवाह करने की तीव्र इच्छा थी।
- उन्होंने भगवान शिव का अनुग्रह पाने और उनकी पत्नी बनने के लिए सौ वर्षों तक व्रत रखा और प्रार्थना की।
- उन्होंने कठोर तपस्या की और पृथ्वी पर 108 जन्म लिए, लेकिन अपने 107वें जन्म तक भगवान शिव से विवाह करने में असफल रहीं।
- अपने 108वें जन्म के दौरान, देवी पार्वती आखिरकार भगवान शिव को जीतने में सफल रहीं और तीज माता के रूप में जानी गईं।
माना जाता है कि इस दिन भगवान शिव और देवी पार्वती की पूजा करने से महिलाओं को वैवाहिक सुख, उनके पति और बच्चों का अच्छा स्वास्थ्य और वैवाहिक जीवन में सामंजस्य का आशीर्वाद मिलता है।
यह शुभ दिन देवी पार्वती और भगवान शिव के प्रति उनके अटूट समर्पण का सम्मान करता है।
Hariyali Teej significance
Hariyali Teej is a highly auspicious occasion for married women, who believe that observing a fast on this day guarantees their husband's longevity and overall well-being.
Adorning themselves with all 16 traditional ornaments is thought to safeguard their partner from harm, a custom particularly cherished by newlywed couples.
Unmarried girls also participate in the celebrations, offering prayers for a suitable life partner. Additionally, the festival honors the arrival of the monsoon season, characterized by its lush green landscapes.
Why hariyali teej is celebrated?
This festive occasion draws its inspiration from ancient Hindu mythology, honoring the sacred bond between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and union of Shiv and Shakti. It symbolizes the profound themes of:
- Celebration of Eternal love
- Unwavering devotion
- The welcoming of the monsoon season
Hariyali teej Puja Vidhi
Observing the Nirjala Fast
- On this day, women observe a Nirjala fast and follow specific rituals, which is considered more challenging than the Karva Chauth fast.
Vow and Decoration
- Women take a vow to fast and decorate the mother's Chowki and themselves. They begin the Hariyali Teej by completing household chores, taking a bath, and adorning themselves with sixteen types of adornments.
Worship Rituals
- Women worship Lord Shiva and Parvati with the Shodashopachar Puja, which includes 16 types of offerings such as turmeric, kumkum, mehndi, fragrance, flowers, naivedya, garlands, and betel leaves.
- After offering the puja materials, they perform the Aarti of Lord Shiva and Parvati.
Celebratory Activities
- After the puja, people sing songs, swing, and celebrate together.
- In the evening, the story of the fast is recited, and women pray to Mother Gauri for the long life of their husbands. This is followed by home celebrations, including bhajans and folk dances.
Fasting and Breaking the Fast
- Women spend the entire day without food and water, breaking their fast the next day after bathing and praying.
Gifts and Traditions
- Makeup items and sweets are sent from the maternal homes of married women to their in-laws.
- Women wear green clothes, such as green dupattas and lehengas, apply mehndi, and enjoy swinging on swings set up in various places. If green lehengas are not available, they may wear red or pink dupattas.
Which goddess is Teej?
Maa Parvati - It is a reverent tribute to the divine union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, as well as the vibrant renewal of nature that accompanies the monsoon season.
What is the story behind Teej?
According to Hindu mythology, the day of Teej commemorates the triumphant reunion of Goddess Parvati with Lord Shiva.
Goddess Parvati's unwavering dedication spanned 108 births, with success eluding her until the final birth.
Ultimately, her unrelenting devotion earned her the hand of Lord Shiva, and she came to be revered as Teej Maata.
This sacred day is celebrated to honor Goddess Parvati's unyielding commitment, and it's believed that venerating Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati on this day will bestow upon women a blissful marriage, their husband's good health, and harmony in their marital life.
Which God is Worshipped on Hariyali Teej?
This festive occasion is devoted to the revered Goddess Parvati and her sacred union with Lord Shiva.
It marks the auspicious day when Lord Shiva embraced Goddess Parvati as his consort, earning her the revered title of 'Teej Mata.'
With immense fervor, Hariyali Teej is celebrated across North Indian states, where it's affectionately known as Teeyan in Punjab and Shingara Teej in Rajasthan.
What is the logic behind Teej festival?
Teej embodies the sacred bond between Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, exemplifying the ideals of a harmonious marriage.
This festive occasion honors Parvati's unrelenting devotion to her husband, Shiva.
As Indian women seek her blessings during Teej, they aspire to emulate her exemplary dedication, striving for a strong and fulfilling marital relationship, characterized by a loving and supportive partner.
Why do unmarried girls fast on Teej?
Unmarried girls observe the Teej fast with the ardent hope of securing a life partner who embodies their ideals. Coinciding with the monsoon season, the festival takes place in the verdant month of Sawan or Shravana, when nature's splendor is in full bloom.