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Pitra Dosh in Kundali (Birth Chart) - Identify & Overcome

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Pitra Dosh in Kundali Pitra Dosh in Horoscope identify and overcome
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Pitra Dosh in Kundali: Pitra Dosh, also known as Pitru Dosh, is a significant astrological condition that indicates an ancestral karmic debt in an individual's birth chart.

According to Hindu beliefs, this dosha arises when past generations have committed wrongdoing or transgressions, resulting in a negative impact on their descendants.

Pitra Dosh in Kundali (Birth Chart) - Identify & Overcome 

  • In Indian astrology, Pitra Dosh is considered highly inauspicious and occurs when Rahu and Sun conjoin in the ninth house of the birth chart, associated with father and ancestors. 
  • There are 14 distinct types of Pitra Dosh, categorized by the positions and influences of malefic planets.


Understanding the Presence of Pitra Dosh in Kundali (Birth Chart)

Pitra Dosha is formed in a birth chart due to various planetary combinations and placements. Let's explore the specific planets and houses responsible for the presence of Pitra Dosha in a horoscope.


Key Planets and Houses Influencing Pitra Dosh in Kundali

  • The Sun, Moon, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, along with the 9th, 2nd, 4th, and 5th houses, play a crucial role in determining the presence of Pitra Dosha. 
  • These planets and houses interact in different ways to create this dosha.

Also read - Where is Pitra Lok - know the mysterious knowledge


Important Planetary Combinations for Pitra Dosh in Kundali

  1. Affliction of the 9th House or Its Lord If the 9th house or its ruling planet is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu, Pitra Dosha can form in the birth chart.
  2. Sun or Jupiter in Conjunction with Rahu/Ketu When the Sun and/or Jupiter come into close conjunction or aspect with Rahu or Ketu, it leads to the formation of Pitra Dosha.
  3. Sun and Rahu or Sun and Saturn in Key Houses Pitra Dosha is created when Sun and Rahu, or Sun and Saturn, are placed together in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th house.
  4. Rahu in the 1st House with Ascendant Lord in Malefic Houses If Rahu occupies the 1st house and the ascendant lord is positioned in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, this also forms Pitra Dosha.
  5. Jupiter Under Malefic Influence When Jupiter, the natural ruler of the 9th house, is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn in the 9th house, Pitra Dosha may be present.

Various Combinations of Pitra Dosh in Kundali

  • These are some of the common planetary combinations that lead to the formation of Pitra Dosha. 
  • According to the ancient text Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS), there are 14 different types of Pitra Dosha.

Understanding these planetary alignments can help in identifying and addressing Pitra Dosha in a horoscope.

Also read - 14 Types of Pitra Dosha, symptoms and remedies

Pitra dosh in horoscope

  • According to astrology, when Sun, Mars and Saturn are situated in the Lagna Bhav and the fifth Bhav of a person's horoscope, then Pitra Dosh is formed. 
  • Apart from this, when Guru and Rahu sit together in the eighth house of the horoscope, then also Pitra Dosh is formed. 
  • When Rahu is present in the center or in the triangle in the horoscope, then Pitra Dosh is formed. 
  • Apart from this, when the Sun, Moon and Lagnesh are related to Rahu, then Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope of the native. 
  • When a person disrespects his elders, or kills them, then such a person suffers from Pitra Dosh and life becomes hell.

Also read - पितृ दोष के लिए अमावस्या पर क्या करें | Somvati amavasya upay for pitra dosh


How to overcome pitra dosha - Pitra Dosh remedies

You can follow below if you have Pitra Dosh in Kundali.

  1. To get rid of Pitra Dosh, water should be offered to the Peepal tree every day.
  2. Mixing black sesame seeds in water and offering Arghya in the south direction also gives freedom from Pitra Dosh.
  3. One can also get rid of Pitra Dosh by performing Shraddha, Pinddaan etc. on Amavasya and Pitra Paksha. Along with this, by doing this remedy, not only does one get freedom from Pitra Dosh, but the ancestors are also happy with it.
  4. Donating gold in Pitra Paksha is also considered the most beneficial to remove Pitra Dosh.
  5. To get rid of Pitra Dosh in the horoscope, a person should recite the Gajendra Moksha chapter of Shrimad Bhagwat on every Amavasya in his house.


What to do for pitra dosh

if you have Pitra Dosh in Kundali you can do following to get rid of Pitra Dosh.

  1. Milk should be offered to Peepal tree a day before every Chaturdashi, Amavasya and Purnima. By doing this, you will not only get rid of Pitra Dosh but will also get rid of Kalsarp Dosh.
  2. If Pitra Dosh is being formed in the horoscope (Pitra Dosh in Kundali) , then the person should put a photo of his deceased relative on the south wall of his house and offer garland to it and worship them daily and get blessings from them. This makes the angry ancestors happy.
  3. To get rid of Pitra Dosh (Pitra Dosh in Kundali), a person should feed rotis made of urad flour to a black dog every Saturday, the negative effect of all three planets Saturn, Rahu, Ketu is reduced and at the same time the person gets rid of Pitra Dosh.
  4. To reduce Pitra Dosh (Pitra Dosh in Kundali) or get rid of it, flowers should be offered on the picture of ancestors to make them happy on Sarva Pitra Amavasya.

