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Sharad Purnima scientific reason - Why moonlight kheer? know science behind

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Saturday, October 28, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, October 28, 2023
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Sharad Purnima scientific reason
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Sharad Purnima scientific reason

Sharad Purnima, also recognized as Kojagari Purnima, is being observed today throughout the country. There are few know about Sharad Purnima scientific reason and benefits. As we know, this is a highly important Hindu festival that occurs on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar month of Ashwin, also referred to as Ashwin Purnima. Let's discuss and find Sharad Purnima scientific reason. 

The custom of consuming Kheer on Sharad Purnima is widely recognized because it is thought that the Moon's radiance releases nectar or elixir (Amrita - अमृत) with diverse healing qualities. Consequently, individuals make rice pudding (a mixture of milk and rice, known as Kheer) and place it beneath the moonlight throughout the night. The energized Kheer is then shared as prasad among all family members the following morning. 

However, often question comes why only Kheer? and what are  the scientific reasons behind this? In this blog we are going to explain this.

Lets understand this from science perspective. We will explain this from two perspectives so that it can be clear there is science behind Sharad Purnima.

  1. Modern Science
  2. Ayurveda (The ancient Indian medical system)

Scientific reasons supporting facts - Modern Science

Here are the scientifically supported and traditional beliefs regarding the advantages of consuming Kheer left under the moonlight on Sharad Purnima:

1. Lactic Acid Restoration: Scientifically, leaving Kheer in the moonlight helps restore lactic acid, which contributes to the development of beneficial bacteria. The open-air exposure of milk during this auspicious night initiates a chemical reaction that encourages the growth of good bacteria in the milk.

2. Enhanced Nutritional Value: The combination of sunlight during the day and moonlight at night supports this bacterial development process, while simultaneously improving the nutritional content of the food.

3. Lunar Gravitational Pull: On Sharad Purnima, the moon and the nine planets align, and the moon's proximity to Earth results in a gravitational pull. This is believed to aid in the rapid digestion of water-rich food consumed at midnight.

4. Healthy Carbohydrates and Fiber: Kheer contains rice, which is a source of healthy carbohydrates and fiber. This makes the dish both filling and nutritious, promoting gut health and overall well-being. Some even believe it can help prevent asthma attacks.

5. Cooling and Nutritional Effects: The moon is associated with a cooling influence and is thought to enhance the nutritional properties of food. Placing Kheer under the moonlight is believed to imbue it with additional nourishing qualities, bringing positive energy and well-being to the family.

6. Immunity Boost: Kheer is rich in milk, rice, and dry fruits, which are nourishing ingredients. Coupled with the reputed medicinal properties of the Moon, consuming this dish is considered healthy and auspicious. It may contribute to improved immunity, and the sweetness of Kheer provides an instant energy boost.

Scientific reasons supporting facts - Ayurveda

Now let's discuss Ayurveda (The ancient Indian medical system) facts and deep dive Ayurvedic analysis and explanation.

Let's first understand the Impact of Climate and Seasons on Health from an Ayurvedic Perspective:

  1. The Gift of Nature: Our environment, a precious gift from nature, encompasses air, water, food, and climate - the fundamental requirements for sustaining life.
  2. Ancient Wisdom: Our ancient Acharyas possessed profound knowledge about the influence of climate and surroundings on our well-being. Consequently, they integrated customs and festival celebrations with religion to mitigate the effects of different seasons and the environment.
  3. Ayurvedic Insights: Ayurveda, the science of life, provides valuable insights into this matter. It recognizes the existence of three primary Doshas in our bodies - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
  4. Impact of Various Factors: Our dietary choices, lifestyle, the climate of our habitat, and the changing seasons collectively affect our bodies and the balance of Doshas within us.

Let's delve into the effects of seasons, particularly from an Ayurvedic perspective.

  1. Autumn Season and Pitta Dosha: According to Ayurveda, the autumn season, which corresponds to the last two months of the Indian calendar, sees an aggravation of the Pitta Dosha in our bodies. This increased Pitta Dosha makes our bodies more susceptible to various diseases.
  2. Common Ailments: During this time, individuals often experience heightened body heat and are prone to ailments such as flu, skin disorders, urinary infections, and hyperacidity. Additionally, diseases like Malaria, Dengue, and Chikungunya become more prevalent in society.
  3. Autumn: The Mother of Diseases: Ayurveda designates this season as the "mother of diseases" due to the widespread health issues it brings about.
  4. Reducing Pitta Dosha: The primary culprit behind these diseases during this season is the heightened Pitta Dosha in our bodies. Ayurveda suggests that by modifying our diet to reduce Pitta Dosha, we can protect ourselves from these ailments.

Role of Milk and healing properties as per Ayurveda

The Role of Milk: Recognizing this, our ancient sages integrated milk into our religious practices and festivals to mitigate the effects of the increased Pitta Dosha. It has Cooling and Strengthening power. Ayurveda acknowledges that cow's milk has specific qualities that reduce Pitta Dosha. It is characterized by its cooling and sweet nature, which serves to strengthen the body. Cow's milk is known to enhance inner strength, referred to as "Ojus" in Ayurveda.

Milk (Preferably Cow's ) and Its Vitality:

As per ayurveda - Charaka Samhita (चरक संहिता)

प्रवरं जीवनियानां क्षीरमुक्तं रसायनम।
अर्थ - श्रेष्ठ जीवन के लिए सर्वोत्तम अमृत दूध है।

Meaning - The best elixir (Amrit अमृत) for a superior life is milk.

Cow's milk is renowned for its vitality-enhancing properties and its elixir-like qualities. Rice and rock sugar also possess attributes that help in reducing the Pitta Dosha.

Sharad Purnima's Cooling Influence

The cooling rays of the full moon on Sharad Purnima have a particular effect on rice pudding and milk, further contributing to the reduction of the Pitta Dosha.

Celebrating this festival on the night of Sharad Purnima under the moon's soothing illumination while partaking in rice pudding and milk helps lower body heat, mitigate the Pitta Dosha, and reduce the risk of various diseases.

Sharad Purnima Kheer balancing 'pitta'

In Ayurveda, the autumn season is regarded as a time to purify the body through special Panchakarma procedures. This comprehensive therapy is specifically designed to address Pitta Dosha and maintain overall well-being throughout the year.

During the Sharad Ritu, the days are extremely hot, and the nights are quite cool. This variation in temperature can lead to an increase in 'pitta' or acidity in the body. To counteract this, people consume a mixture of rice flakes and milk, which is considered a remedy for balancing 'pitta'.

Seasonal Dietary Practices

Ancient sages have provided us with a lifestyle that aligns with the entire autumn season. In the early stages of autumn, particularly in the month of Bhadra, milk and pudding are incorporated into our diet alongside religious rituals. This tradition continues during Navaratri and Sharad Purnima. As a result, milk is a consistent dietary component throughout the autumn season, serving the purpose of Pitta Dosha reduction.


Hope this is clear now why Kheer is preferred in Sharad Purnima.

