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Unlocking Three Life Secrets of Ravana Shared with Lakshman

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Friday, October 27, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, October 28, 2023
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Life Secrets of Ravana
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Dussehra is being celebrated all over the country. This day is considered a symbol of the victory of good over evil. It is believed that Ravana was a very bad person. Because Ravana had kidnapped Mother Sita. But while dying, what things did Ravana tell Lakshmana which are considered to be the most important teachings of life?

Life Secrets of Ravana 

According to the story of Ramayana, Ravana was killed at the hands of Lord Rama. It is believed that Ravana was the greatest scholar of the world. While Ravana was dying, Ram told Lakshman that Ravana was a great knower of policy and power. In such a time, you should get the knowledge of successful life from the great sage Ravana. Hearing this, Lakshman went and sat at Dashanan's feet. Then Ravana, a great scholar and a great scholar, told Lakshman three priceless things about life. Let us know about those three things.

1 - Prioritize Good Deeds for Immediate Action, Delay Unethical Actions

The first thing Ravana told Lakshman was that the auspicious work should be done as soon as possible. One should never wait too long for that. Otherwise no one knows when life will end. And the more inauspicious actions can be avoided, the better it is for life.

2 - Never underestimate the enemy

The second most important thing Ravana told Lakshman was that one should never underestimate the enemy and the disease. Even the smallest disease can be life threatening. Even the smallest enemy can be dangerous. Ravana despised Ram, Lakshman and their monkey army and they also became the reason for Ravana's death.

3 - Keep Secrets Confidential at All Times

Ravana told Lakshman the third piece of knowledge that the secret related to one's life should be kept as secret as possible. He should not tell it to anyone. Even if he is your most loved one. If that secret comes in front of anyone then it can have a bad effect on life. Vibhishana knew the secret of the nectar pond in Ravana's navel and this became the reason for Ravana's defeat.

Essence of Above Teachings

Keeping your deep secrets to yourself, not delaying good deeds, refraining from wrongdoing, and not considering any enemy as weak, every person should adopt these invaluable lessons in his life.

Note - This story is not mentioned in Ramcharitmanas (By Tulsidas ji), Valmiki Ramayan or Adhyatma Ramayan. This is based on tales. If you find any original link feel free to mail.

