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What are 64 forms of Shiva?

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Thursday, July 11, 2024
Last Updated: Thursday, July 11, 2024
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64 forms of shiva
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Have you ever wondered what are 64 forms of Shiva?  Shiva's iconic symbols include a serpent around his neck, a crescent moon on his forehead, the Ganga River flowing from his matted hair, a third eye, a trident, and a Damaru. In this article we are going to discuss 64 forms of Lord Shiv ji.


What are 64 forms of Shiva?

In Hinduism, Shiva is revered as a supreme being within the Trimurti, alongside Brahma and Vishnu. He embodies creation, protection, and transformation.

Modern science has revealed that everything originates from nothingness and ultimately returns to it. The fundamental nature of the universe is vast emptiness, with galaxies being mere specks in the vast expanse. This boundless void is symbolized by Shiva, the cosmic womb from which all existence emerges and eventually returns.  In the Shaivist tradition, Shiva is considered an ultimate reality, while in the Smarta tradition, he is one of five equal deities worshiped in the Panchayatana puja.

Here are 64 forms of Shiva along with meaning.

1. Linga Murthy: Lord Shiva in a formless shape.
2. LinGodhbhava Murthy: Shiva emerging from the formless.
3. Mukhalingam: Shiva with five faces.
4. SadaShiva Murthy: Shiva with five faces, a secondary form.
5. Maha SadaShiva Murthy: Shiva with twenty-five faces.
6. Umamaheshvara Murthy: Shiva with Goddess Uma (Parvati).
7. Sukasana Murthy: Shiva with Uma in a pleasant mood, granting peace and happiness.
8. Umesha Murthy: Shiva with Uma and in a Varadana pose.
9. Somaskandha Murthi: Shiva with Uma and Lord Skandha.
10. Vrishabhantika Murthy: Shiva with his mount, the Nandi bull.
11. Chandrashekara Murthy: Shiva with a crescent moon on his head.
12. Bhujanga Lalita Murthy: Shiva with a moon and snake.
13. Sada Nritta Murthy: Shiva as Natraj, dancing with his wife.
14. Gangavisarjana Murthy: Shiva releasing the Ganga River.
15. Ardanarishvara Murthy: Shiva and Goddess Shakti together in one form.
16. Vrishabharudar: Shiva sitting on the Nandi bull.
17. Bhujanga Trasa Murthy: Shiva with a snake and fire.
18. Chandathandava Murthy: Shiva standing on a demon.
19. Tripurantaka Murthy: Shiva with Uma, riding a chariot.
20. Gajasura Samhara Murthy: Shiva battling an elephant demon.
21. Sandhya Nritta Murthy: Shiva dancing with his wife.
22. Gangadhara Murthy: Shiva with Ganga in his matted locks.
23. Kalyanasundhara Murthy: Shiva marrying Parvati.
24. Jvarabhagna Murthy: Shiva with three faces and three legs, dancing.
25. Shardhula Hara Murthy: Shiva with a tiger skin.
26. Keshavartha Murthy: Shiva and Vishnu together in one body.
27. Chandisha Anugraha Murthy: Shiva gifting the Kamdhenu cow.
28. Vinadhara Dakshina Murthy: Shiva holding a musical instrument.
29. Lakulishvara Murthy: Shiva sitting in a composed form.
30. Vaduka Murthy: Shiva as Bhairava, holding a snake and bowl.
31. Agorastra Murthy: Shiva in an Aghori form.
32. Guru Murthy: Shiva as a sage teaching others.
33. Jalandharavata Murthy: Shiva killing Jalandhara.
34. Ekapadha Murthy: Shiva standing on one leg.
35. Gaurilila Samanvita Murthy: Shiva sitting with his wife.
36. Brahma Shirachetha Murthy: Shiva cursing Brahma.
37. Varaha Samhara Murthy: Shiva killing a Varaha.
38. Shishyabhava Murthy: Shiva with his devotees and wife.
39. Pasupatha Murthy: Shiva with Gods in a larger-than-life form.
40. Bhikshatana Murthy: Shiva asking for alms.
41. Vakvana Dakshina Murthy: Shiva killing a demon.
42. Kalanthakar: Shiva emerging from fire to kill a demon.
43. Bhairav Murthy: Shiva with a dog.
44. Kshetrapaala Murthy: Shiva with a dog, also called Bhairavar.
45. Dakshayagyahara Murthy: Shiva killing King Daksha.
46. Ashvaruda Murthy: Shiva sitting on a horse.
47. Ekapad TriMurthy: Shiva taking the forms of Vishnu and Brahma.
48. Gaurivaraprada Murthy: Shiva with his wife, Devi Gauri.
49. Vishapaharana Murthy: Shiva resting with Parvati.
50. Kurma Samhara Murthy: Shiva with Vishnu.
51. Prarthana Murthy: Shiva with Parvati in a happy mood.
52. Kankala Murthy: Shiva standing with a bow.
53. Simhaghna Murthy: Shiva with three lion heads, killing a demon.
54. Yoga Dakshina Murthy: Shiva in a yogic posture.
55. Kama Dahana Murthy: Shiva burning cupid.
56. Apatuttarana Murthy: Shiva takes on a humble form, carrying a staff and bow, embodying simplicity and renunciation.
57. Virabhadra Murthy: Shiva transforms into a powerful warrior, armed with an array of weapons, exuding strength and valor.
58. Kiratha Murtliy: Shiva is depicted as a skilled archer, holding a bow and arrow, resembling a hunter in pursuit of his target.
59. Gajantika Murthy: Shiva is accompanied by an elephant, symbolizing wisdom and strength.
60. Tripada Trimurthi: Shiva stands on one leg, flanked by Vishnu and Brahma, representing the unity and balance of the three primary aspects of the universe.
61. Chakradanasvarupa Murthy: Shiva is seen bestowing the sudarshana chakra upon Vishnu, signifying the transfer of power and wisdom.
62. Garudanthika Murthy: Shiva is worshiped by various gods, including Garuda, while accompanied by his wife, Parvati, showcasing his divine relationships.
63. Matsya Samhara Murthy: Shiva takes on a fish form, mirroring Vishnu's incarnation, demonstrating their interconnectedness.
64. Rakthabhiksha Pradana Murthy: Shiva uses his trident to extract blood from Vishnu's body, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and death.

