Maa Lakshmi and Ganesh
Let's first understand about Maa Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh.
Lord Ganesha is the God of wisdom, intellect, success, and prosperity.
Maa Lakshmi is the Goddess of fortune and wealth.
Now the question comes - Why lakshmi and ganesh are worshipped together?
Let's Consider this scenario:
What is wealth without prosperity? - Suppose you have lot's of wealth but no propsperty. then it's of no use. Since we know Wealth comes via Maa Lakshmi and prosperity via Lord Ganesh. With this logic both Maa Lakshmi and Ganesh must worshipped together if we need both.
Similar Questions comes in mind
- What is money without the wisdom to utilize it effectively?
- Can material gains truly endure without intelligence?
- Is it possible to achieve significant prosperity without overcoming obstacles?
When one possesses intelligence, wisdom, and good fortune, they have everything they need. Success in all aspects of life follows. That's why it is advisable to worship Lord Ganesha and Mata Lakshmi together.
The qualities of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are harmonious, prompting our tradition to encourage their joint worship. This serves as a reminder that our aspirations should encompass not only material wealth but also prudence and wisdom.
Lord Ganesh, also known as the remover of obstacles, assists his devotees in surmounting hindrances to reach their goals, be it material prosperity or spiritual achievements.In essence, Lord Ganesha symbolizes the removal of obstacles and the embodiment of intelligence and wisdom, while Mata Lakshmi represents fortune and wealth.
There is very interesting story behind this as well. Let's understand that.
The Tale of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh
According to Hindu scriptures, there was a time when Goddess Lakshmi became excessively proud of her wealth and divine powers. During a conversation with her husband, Lord Vishnu, she continually praised herself, asserting that she alone deserved worship as the bestower of wealth to all.
Upon hearing this unceasing self-praise, Lord Vishnu decided to humble her arrogance. He gently remarked, "You possess all virtues, but you haven't experienced motherhood, a crucial aspect for a woman."
These words disheartened Maa Lakshmi, leading her to seek advice from Maa Parvati. She confided in Maa Parvati, expressing her desire for a child and her willingness to adopt one of her sons.
In response, Mata Parvati explained the challenges:
- Kartikeya, one of her sons, needed constant care due to his six mouths, while
- Ganesha is very naughty and required vigilant supervision.
Maa Parvati said, you do not stay for long at one place then how you would take of my son?
In response to this Maa Lakshmi vowed to hold Maa Parvati's sons close to her heart and love them dearly. Maa Parvati agreed, and Ganesha became Maa Lakshmi's adopted child.
Overjoyed, Maa Lakshmi declared that from that day forward, she would bestow all her blessings and prosperity upon her son, Ganesha. She pledged to fulfill all his desires and expressed that those who held Ganesha dear would also find favor with her.
Conversely, those who neglected to worship Ganesha or showed disrespect would find her distant. She emphasized that wherever Ganesha resided, she would be there as well.
Upon hearing this, Mata Parvati was delighted and entrusted Ganesha to Mata Lakshmi's care.