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Kalki avatar Diwas | कल्कि अवतार दिवस

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Last Updated: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
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According to the ancient Puranas, Kalki Avatar is the divine incarnation destined to revitalize the universe by putting an end to the most tumultuous and destructive era, thereby eradicating unrighteousness (adharma) and heralding the dawn of the Satya Yuga. 


The Kalki Avatar: A Symbol of Renewal and Restoration

This transformative event is said to occur as Kalki rides a majestic white horse, Devadatta, wielding a radiant and powerful sword, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness over darkness.


The Advent of Bhagwan Kalki: A Divine Incarnation

Kalki Jayanti commemorates the arrival of Bhagwan Kalki, the tenth and final incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu, marking the end of Kali Yuga. As the era's darkness and sin intensify, Bhagwan Vishnu will manifest as Kalki to vanquish evil and restore balance.


The Prophecy of Kalki Avatar

This divine incarnation will occur at the cusp of Kali Yuga and Satyuga, with Bhagwan Kalki's horse named Devdatta and his guru, Parashuram. The Dasam Granth, a revered Sikh scripture, and Sri Dashvatar Stotra, a composition by Sri Jayadev Goswami, both reference Kalki Avatar.


A Hymn to Bhagwan Kalki

The Sri Dashvatar Stotra verse praises Bhagwan Kalki:

म्लेच्छ-निवह-निधने कलयसि करवालम्
धूमकेतुम् इव किम् अपि करालम्
केशव धृत-कल्कि-शरीर जय जगदीश हरे ॥

"Hey Jagdishwar Shrihare! Hey Keshinisudan! You have assumed the form of Kalki, destroying the wicked Mlechchhas, and wield the terrifying sword, Dhumketu. Hail to your victory!"

