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Makar Sankranti | मकर संक्रान्ति

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Thursday, January 2, 2025
Last Updated: Thursday, January 2, 2025
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According to the Hindu calendar, Sankranti means the transition of the Sun from one zodiac sign to another. In some parts of India, each Sankranti is marked as the beginning of a month. On the other hand, in some other parts, a Sankranti is marked as the end of each month and the next day as the beginning of a new month.

Makar Sankranti

Sankranti is favorable for charity, but auspicious works are avoided on this day. Makar Sankranti marks the beginning of a prosperous phase or a holy phase of transition. All holy rituals and auspicious ceremonies can be performed after Sankranti.

Names of the most important Sankrantis

◉ Libra Sankranti [hill Kartik month]
◉ Scorpio Sankranti [hill Margashirsha month]
◉ Sagittarius Sankranti [hill Paush]
◉ Capricorn Sankranti - Paush Sankranti [Magh]
◉ Aquarius Sankranti [hill Phalgun]
◉ Pisces Sankranti - Phuldei [hill Chaitra month]
◉ Aries Sankranti - [Solar New Year] / Pana Sankranti / Vishukkani / Poila Boishakh [hill Vaishakh month]
◉ Taurus Sankranti [hill Jyeshtha month]
◉ Gemini Sankranti [hill Ashadha month]
◉ Cancer Sankranti - Harela [hill Shravan month]
◉ Leo Sankranti - Ghee Sankranti [hill Bhadrapad month]
◉ Virgo Sankranti [hill Ashwin month]

