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Navratri - Day 3 - Maa Chandraghanta

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 17, 2023
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2 minutes
Maa Chandraghanta
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Tithi, Day: Chaitra / Ashvin Shukla Tritiya

Maa Chandraghanta 

Devotees of Goddess Durga honor Maa Chandraghanta on the third day of Navratri. In this sacred nine-day festival, each day is dedicated to one of the Navdurgas, the nine avatars of Goddess Durga. 

Maa Chandraghanta represents the married aspect of Goddess Parvati and embodies qualities of fearlessness and courage. She is also known by names like Chandrakhanda, Chandika, and Rannchandi.

Worshippers who venerate Devi in this form receive enduring strength and fortitude. She is the deity associated with the Manipura Chakra, situated at the Navel and governed by the Sun. 

Although Parvati was determined to wed Lord Shiva, He initially declared His intention to remain celibate and not marry anyone. Upon witnessing Parvati's intense suffering in pursuit of marrying Shiva, He was moved by her devotion and consented to her request, agreeing to marry her.

Stuti - या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ चंद्रघंटा रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥

Tithi, Day: Chaitra / Ashvin Shukla Tritiya
Mount / Vehicle: Tigress (बाघिन)
Weapons: Ten hands - She wields a Trishul (trident), Gada (mace), Sword, and Kamandal (water pot) in her four right hands, while her fifth right hand is in a Varada Mudra (blessing gesture). In her four left hands, she holds a lotus flower, Arrow, Dhanush (bow), and Japa Mala (prayer beads), with the fifth left hand in an Abhaya Mudra (fearlessness gesture).
Expression: This form represents peace and well-being for her devotees.
Planetary Influence: Venus (Shukra)
Color: White

