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Paush Amavasya | पौष अमावस्या

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Thursday, December 26, 2024
Last Updated: Thursday, December 26, 2024
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Amavasya is a monthly festival that comes 12 times in a year, in case of Adhik Masa it can also happen 13 times in a year.

Paush Amavasya | पौष अमावस्या

According to Hindu calendar, Amavasya is the last date of the month and Krishna Paksha, this day has great importance in Indian life. Some festival is definitely celebrated on Amavasya of every month. Among these monthly dates, some popular and important Amavasya dates are Mauni Amavasya, Shani Jayanti and Vat Savitri Vrat, Bhaumvati Amavasya, Kartik Amavasya i.e. Diwali, Hariyali Amavasya, Mahalaya Amavasya or Sarvapitre Amavasya. India's most popular and glittering festival Diwali also falls on the Amavasya of Kartik month.

Amavasya is considered as an important day dedicated to ancestors in Hindu scriptures. On this day, donation for ancestors and bathing in holy rivers is considered best.

According to Hindu Panchang and Astronomical conditions, the Moon completes one revolution around the Earth in 28 days. After 15 days, the Moon is on the other side of the Earth. When the Moon is on the other side of India, it cannot be seen. When the Moon is not fully visible in India, that day is called Amavasya day. And this event (Amavasya) can happen at different times for each place or country according to the position of the Moon.

