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Paush bada festival | पौष बड़ा

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Thursday, January 2, 2025
Last Updated: Thursday, January 2, 2025
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Paush Bada is a festival celebrated in Jaipur, the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan, during the Hindu calendar month of Paush. The name Paush Bada means Paush Hindu calendar month and Bada means salty lentil pakodas.

Paush bada festival 

Paush Bada was first celebrated in Jaipur in the year 1960 under the guidance of Mahant Shri Badri Das Ji of Shri Badrikashram at Balaji Ghat. In which a large number of common people used to get pangat prasadi. Today people choose the day to celebrate this festival according to their convenience. There is no day in Jaipur during the month of Paush, when this Paush Bada festival is not being celebrated in some corner of Jaipur.

This festival is celebrated to welcome the winter season in a grand manner. According to the belief, eating chola dal and wheat porridge pudding in the winter season gives strength to the body. Therefore, keeping the winter in mind, in this festival, Pakodas, Dal-Baati-Churma, Multigrain Khichdi etc. are prepared and distributed as Prasad.

