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Pitru Paksha

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, October 1, 2023
Last Updated: Sunday, October 1, 2023
Read Time 🕛
2 minutes
Pitru Shradh Paksha
Table of contents
DateDayObservance of Shraddh
September 29, 2023FridayPurnima Shraddh / Pratipada Shraddh / Padwa Shraddh [Beginning of Pitru Paksha]
September 30, 2023SaturdayDwitiya Shraddh
October 1, 2023SundayTritiya Shraddh
October 2, 2023MondayChaturthi Shraddh / Maha Bharani
October 3, 2023TuesdayPanchami Shraddh / Kuvar Panchami
October 4, 2023WednesdayShashthi Shraddh
October 5, 2023ThursdaySaptami Shraddh
October 6, 2023FridayAshtami Shraddh
October 7, 2023SaturdayNavami Shraddh / Matru Navami / Avadhva Shraddh
October 8, 2023SundayDashami Shraddh
October 9, 2023MondayEkadashi Shraddh
October 10, 2023TuesdayMagha Shraddh
October 11, 2023WednesdayDwadashi Shraddh
October 12, 2023ThursdayTrayodashi Shraddh
October 13, 2023FridayChaturdashi / Chaudas Shraddh
October 14, 2023SaturdaySarva Pitru Amavasya / Mahalaya [End of Pitru Paksha]

Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha, also referred to as Shradh Paksha, is a 16-day period in Hinduism dedicated to the worship of ancestors.

According to belief, the souls of three generations of deceased ancestors reside in a transitional realm known as Pitrulok (Pitralok). During Pitru Paksha / Shradh Paksha, Yamaraj or Yama, the God of Death, releases these souls to visit their living relatives and accept offerings of gifts, food, and water.

Pitru Paksha / Shradh Paksha is observed annually for fifteen days, during which people typically gather at the banks of rivers, including the sacred Ganges, to offer these provisions to their departed ancestors.

This ritual is conducted with the assistance of priests and Brahmins and is considered an exceptionally auspicious time of the year.

During this period, individuals provide food and water to their deceased ancestors through the intermediaries of priests or Brahmins, as it is believed that the ancestors return to Earth during Pitru Paksha to receive these offerings.

