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Pradosh Vrat | प्रदोष व्रत

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, August 11, 2024
Read Time 🕛
4 minutes
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Pradosh Vrat is observed on Trayodashi Tithi (13th day) of both Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha. Hence, it comes twice every month in the Hindu calendar.

What is pradosh time?

The reason for Pradosh Vrat is that the Trayodashi Tithi of the month falls during Pradosh Kaal. Pradosh Kaal starts 45 minutes before sunset and ends 45 minutes after sunset.


Difference between Som Pradosh, Bhaum Pradosh  and Shani Pradosh

  • The day of Pradosh which falls on Monday on a weekly day is called Som Pradosh.
  • Pradosh which falls on Tuesday is called Bhaum Pradosh and 
  • Pradosh which falls on Saturday is called Shani Pradosh.

Though Trayodashi Tithi is the best for worshipping Lord Shiva, worshipping Lord Shiva during Pradosh is even more beneficial.


प्रदोष व्रत विधि (Pradosh vrat vidhi)

  1.  प्रदोष व्रत करने के लिए व्यक्ति को त्रयोदशी के दिन सूर्योदय से पहले उठना चाहिए।
  2.  दैनिक कार्यों से निवृत्त होकर भगवान श्री भोले नाथ का स्मरण करें।
  3. इस व्रत में अन्न ग्रहण नहीं किया जाता है।
  4. पूरे दिन व्रत रखने के बाद सूर्यास्त से एक घंटा पहले स्नान करके सफेद वस्त्र धारण किए जाते हैं।
  5. पूजा स्थल को गंगाजल या स्वच्छ जल से शुद्ध करने के बाद गाय के गोबर से लीपकर मंडप तैयार किया जाता है।
  6. अब इस मंडप में पांच रंगों का प्रयोग करके रंगोली बनाई जाती है।
  7.  प्रदोष व्रत की पूजा करने के लिए कुशा के आसन का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  8. इस प्रकार पूजा की तैयारी करने के बाद उत्तर-पूर्व दिशा की ओर मुख करके बैठें और भगवान शंकर की पूजा करें।
  9. पूजा में भगवान शिव के मंत्र 'ॐ नमः शिवाय' का जाप करते हुए शिव को जल अर्पित करना चाहिए।


Pradosh vrat vidhi in english

  1. To perform Pradosh Vrat, a person should wake up before sunrise on Trayodashi. 
  2. After finishing daily chores, remember Lord Shri Bhole Nath. 
  3. Food is not consumed in this fast. 
  4. After fasting for the whole day, one should take a bath one hour before sunset and wear white clothes. 
  5. After purifying the place of worship with Gangajal or clean water, a pavilion is prepared by smearing it with cow dung. 
  6. Now Rangoli is made in this pavilion using five colors. 
  7. Kusha seat is used to worship Pradosh Vrat. 
  8. After preparing for the worship in this way, sit facing the north-east direction and worship Lord Shankar. 
  9. In the worship, water should be offered to Shiva while chanting Lord Shiva's mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya'.


Pradosh vrat timings

Pradosh Vrat can be different for two different cities of the same country. 

Since Pradosh Vrat depends on the dominance of Trayodashi at the time of sunset. And the sunset time of two cities can be different, hence the Pradosh Vrat time of those two cities can also be different.

That is why sometimes it is seen that Pradosh Vrat is observed a day before Trayodashi i.e. on the day of Dwadashi.

The time of sunset is different for all cities, so before observing Pradosh Vrat, do check the sunset time of your city, even if those cities are in the same country. Pradosh Vrat is observed on both Trayodashi days of Shukla and Krishna Paksha of the lunar month.

Pradosh Vrat significance

Keeping Pradosh Vrat gives the same virtuous results as donating two cows. 

A mythological fact about Pradosh Vrat comes to light that one day when there will be a situation of evil all around, there will be monopoly of injustice and incest, selfishness will prevail in humans. 

Instead of doing good deeds, people will do more evil deeds. 

At that time, the person who keeps Trayodashi Vrat and worships Shiva will be blessed by Shiva. 

The person who keeps this Vrat gets out of the cycle of birth and death and moves forward on the path of salvation. He attains the best world.

When should the worship of Pradosh fast be done?

Pradosh fast should be done in Pradosh period according to the sunset time of your city.

What not to do in Pradosham? or What not to do in Pradosh?

Do not eat food without worshipping Lord Shiva in Pradosh period. Do not consume grains, salt, chilli etc. during the fast.

What to keep in the puja plate in Pradosh fast?

Pray with abir, gulal, sandalwood, black sesame, flowers, dhatura, bilvapatra, shami patra, janeu, kalava, lamp, camphor, incense sticks and fruits in the puja plate.

