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Sanskrit day | संस्कृत दिवस

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, August 11, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, August 11, 2024
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Every year in India, the auspicious occasion of Shravani Purnima is celebrated as Sanskrit day (Diwas ). 

What is the Sanskrit festival?

This day is celebrated because Sanskrit is the oldest language in our culture. Sanskrit is the language of almost all Vedas and Puranas. Therefore, people have respect for Sanskrit language. 

Our religious texts and mantras are mostly written in this language. Sanskrit Day is very unique in itself, because no other ancient language is celebrated in this way at the national level.

why sanskrit day is celebrated?

The purpose of celebrating this day is that Sanskrit has been given the status of 'Dev Bhasha' by Indian religious culture, yet this language is now losing its existence. 


Why do we celebrate Sanskrit?

Now in India also, due to the increasing importance of foreign languages ​​​​and English, the number of people who read, write and understand Sanskrit is decreasing day by day. Therefore, Sanskrit Day and Sanskrit Week are celebrated to remind the Indian community or society of the importance and necessity of Sanskrit and to increase its importance in the public mind.


How is Sanskrit Day celebrated?

On this day, on Shravani Purnima or Rakshabandhan, the feeling of dedication is kept by remembering and worshiping the sages and our sages are the original source of Sanskrit literature, hence Shravani Purnima is celebrated as Sanskrit Day and it is also celebrated as Rishi Parv.

On this day, by order of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, instructions were issued to celebrate Sanskrit Day at the central and state level in the year 1969. 

Since then, Sanskrit Day is celebrated all over India on the full moon day of Shravan. 

The reason for choosing the day of Shravan Purnima is that in our ancient India, teaching sessions and Veda recitation started from this day and students also started studying the scriptures from this day. 

The main purpose of celebrating Sanskrit Day and Sanskrit Week is to promote the Sanskrit language.

