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Tulsidas Jayanti | तुलसीदास जयंती

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Last Updated: Sunday, August 11, 2024
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Tulsidas Jayanti
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Tulsidas Jayanti commemorates the birth anniversary of the revered Hindu saint, poet, and philosopher Goswami Tulsidas, acclaimed author of the epic Ramacharitmanas and Hanuman Chalisa. 


Celebrating Tulsidas Jayanti - Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Spiritual Icon

This significant day falls on the 'Saptami' of Krishna Paksha in the month of Sawan, as per the traditional Hindu calendar.


The Life and Times of Tulsidas

Tulsidas, considered an incarnation of Sage Valmiki, spent most of his life in Varanasi, where the famous Tulsi Ghat and Sankatmochan Temple stand as testaments to his legacy.

His magnum opus, Ramacharitmanas, emphasizes devotion to the divine and is believed to have been composed with the guidance of Lord Hanuman.


Significance and Celebrations

Tulsidas Jayanti holds immense religious significance, celebrating the life and teachings of this spiritual luminary. 

Born in 1532 in Rajapur, Uttar Pradesh, Tulsidas' life was marked by devotion, asceticism, and literary brilliance. 

On this auspicious day, temples and institutions across the country organize recitations of Ramacharitmanas, symposia, and seminars on Tulsidas' teachings, as well as feeding Brahmins and other rituals.

