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What to buy on Dhanteras | why to buy Dhania Seeds & Jhadu (Broom)

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Monday, October 28, 2024
Last Updated: Monday, October 28, 2024
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What to buy on dhanteras - Dhanteras marks an auspicious occasion in the Hindu calendar, celebrated on the 13th day of the lunar month Kartik, just before the festive celebrations of Diwali and Lakshmi Puja. Known as "the 13th day of wealth," this festival holds immense significance for devotees seeking blessings of prosperity and fortune from Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber.

What to buy on dhanteras | Why Dhanteras is Important for Buying Wealth-Related Items

Dhanteras is considered a propitious time to purchase valuable items such as gold, silver, utensils, and essential commodities like turmeric (haldi), brooms (jhaadu), salt, and coriander seeds (dhania seeds). Each of these items is believed to usher in good luck, health, and fortune into the home.

Among these purchases, coriander seeds (dhania) and brooms (jhaadu) hold particular importance. Let’s delve deeper into why these items are essential to buy on Dhanteras.

The Importance of Dhania Seeds: A Symbol of Prosperity

  • Link to Good Fortune: Dhania, or coriander seeds, are closely associated with prosperity and well-being.
  • Flavor of Life: Much like how these seeds enhance the taste of food, buying them on Dhanteras is seen as a way to invite abundance into one’s life.
  • Commitment to Prosperity: This purchase signifies a commitment to cultivating a happy and prosperous home, extending beyond mere culinary use.

The Role of Jhaadu: A New Beginning

  • Symbol of Cleanliness: The jhaadu, or broom, embodies cleanliness and serves as a powerful tool to eliminate negativity.
  • Sweeping Away Negativity: On Dhanteras, acquiring a new broom symbolizes the act of "sweeping away" past troubles, making way for positive energy.
  • Preparation for Goddess Lakshmi: This cleaning ritual is essential for welcoming Goddess Lakshmi, who is believed to bring wealth and good fortune into the home.

Embracing Tradition for a Prosperous Future

The ritual of purchasing dhania seeds and a jhaadu on Dhanteras highlights their significance in celebrating the festival. Together, these items symbolize a pursuit of positivity, health, and prosperity. By embracing these time-honored traditions, families not only honor their cultural heritage but also pave the way for a successful year ahead.

