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Why we purchase jhadu on Dhanteras

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Monday, October 28, 2024
Last Updated: Monday, October 28, 2024
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3 minutes
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Why we purchase jhadu on Dhanteras - Dhanteras, also known as Dhantrayodashi, marks the first day of the Diwali celebrations and holds immense significance in Hindu culture. This auspicious day commemorates the emergence of Lord Dhanwantari, the deity of health and medicine, who is said to have appeared from the ocean with a pot of nectar, symbolizing good health and prosperity. On Dhanteras, devotees worship both Lord Dhanwantari and Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.

Why we purchase jhadu on Dhanteras | Importance of Buying a Broom on Dhanteras

A Time-Honored Tradition

In Hinduism, the act of purchasing a broom, or jhadu, on Dhanteras is a well-established tradition. The broom symbolizes the sweeping away of poverty, negativity, and evil, creating space for prosperity and good fortune. Buying a new broom on this day is considered particularly auspicious, as it signifies cleanliness, purity, and an invitation for Goddess Lakshmi to bless one's home. This simple yet meaningful ritual sets a positive tone for the festive season, ensuring a joyful and prosperous Diwali.

Benefits of Purchasing a Broom on Dhanteras & Why should we buy broom on Dhanteras?

1 - Welcoming Goddess Lakshmi

  • Buying a broom on Dhanteras is seen as an invitation for Goddess Lakshmi to enter one’s home.
  • In Hindu mythology, the goddess is attracted to cleanliness and purity, and a new broom symbolizes a commitment to maintaining an orderly and tidy living space. 
  • This gesture shows respect for the goddess and expresses a readiness to receive her blessings for a year filled with wealth, health, and happiness.


2 - Attracting Prosperity and Wealth

  • The purchase of a broom on Dhanteras is believed to enhance prosperity and financial stability. 
  • Given its association with Goddess Lakshmi, the broom becomes a powerful emblem of financial success. 
  • Devotees hold the belief that buying a new broom will attract positive energies, fostering an environment conducive to financial growth and security. 
  • This small act serves as a reminder to cultivate a mindset that encourages prosperity.


3 - Eliminating Negativity

  • Purchasing a broom on Dhanteras is symbolic of sweeping away negativity, evil, and poverty from one’s life. 
  • The broom, linked to Goddess Lakshmi, represents the removal of adverse energies, thereby cleansing both homes and minds. 
  • This act creates a positive environment for the goddess's blessings, promoting peace and prosperity and marking a fresh start for a joyful Diwali.


4- Emphasizing Cleanliness and Purity

  • The act of buying a broom on Dhanteras underscores the importance of cleanliness and purity in Hinduism. 
  • A new broom signifies a commitment to maintaining both physical and mental cleanliness, essential for spiritual growth. 
  • This ritual encourages devotees to discard old, worn-out items, thereby making space for new, positive energies. 
  • By prioritizing cleanliness, individuals foster an environment conducive to personal growth and self-reflection, promoting discipline and responsibility.


Conclusion - Purchasing Jhadu on Dhanteras (Broom)

Dhanteras is not just a day for purchasing valuable items; it is a time for spiritual renewal and preparation for the festive season. By embracing the tradition of buying a broom, devotees honor their cultural heritage while inviting blessings of wealth, health, and prosperity into their lives.

