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Dev uthani ekadashi katha in english

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Read Time 🕛
6 minutes
Dev uthani ekadashi katha in English
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Dev uthani ekadashi katha in english, Dev Uthani Ekadashi Vrat Katha - Dev Uthani Ekadashi Ekadashi is the Ekadashi date of the Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. On this day, all the gods along with Lord Vishnu wake up after four months of sleep and take charge of the creation. 

Dev uthani ekadashi katha in english

On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshiped with rituals and his favorite things are offered. Along with this, the fast story of Dev Uthani Ekadashi is recited in the worship. By reciting it, you get the blessings of Lord Vishnu as well as double the benefits of the fast. Let's see the fast story of Dev Uthani Ekadashi.


Dev Uthani Ekadashi Vrat Katha - 1

Once Lakshmi ji said to Lord Narayana- 'O Nath! Now you stay awake day and night and when you sleep, you sleep for millions of years. At that time you destroy all living and non-living things.

So you should sleep regularly every year. This will give me some time to rest.' Hearing Lakshmi ji, Narayana smiled and said- 'Devi! You are right. My staying awake troubles all the gods and especially you. You do not get any time off from serving me.

Therefore, as per your advice, from today onwards, I will sleep for four months every year during the rainy season. At that time, you and the gods will get free. This sleep of mine will be called short sleep and the deep sleep during the time of deluge. This short sleep of mine will be extremely auspicious, festive and merit-enhancing for my devotees.

During this period, those devotees of mine who will serve me with the feeling of my sleep and will joyfully organize the festivals of sleep and production, I will reside in their house along with you.


Dev Uthani Ekadashi Vrat Katha - 2

There was a king in a city. Everyone in his kingdom was very happy. In that city, no one sold food and no one cooked food on Ekadashi. Everyone ate fruits. 

Once God wanted to test the king. God took the form of a beautiful woman and sat on the road. Just then the king passed by and was surprised to see the beautiful woman. 

He asked- O beautiful woman! Who are you and why are you sitting here like this?

Then God, who had become a beautiful woman, said- I am helpless. I don't know anyone in the city, whom should I ask for help? The king was fascinated by her beauty. He said- You come to my palace and live as my queen.

The beautiful woman said- I will agree to what you say, but you will have to hand over the authority of the kingdom to me. I will have full authority over the kingdom. 

Whatever I cook, you will have to eat. The king was fascinated by her beauty, so he accepted all her conditions. The next day was Ekadashi. 

The queen ordered that food should be sold in the markets like other days. She cooked meat and fish etc. at home and served it and asked the king to eat. Seeing this, the king said- Queen! Today is Ekadashi. I will eat only fruits.

Then the queen reminded him of the condition and said- either eat food, or else I will cut off the head of the elder prince. 

When the king told his situation to the elder queen, the queen said- Maharaj! Do not leave religion, give the head of the elder prince. You will get your son again, but you will not get religion.

Meanwhile, the elder prince came back from playing. Seeing tears in his mother's eyes, he started asking the reason for crying, then the mother told him everything. 

Then he said- I am ready to give my head. Father's religion will be protected, definitely.

When the king was ready to give the prince's head with a sad heart, Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of the queen and told the real thing- King! You have passed this difficult test. 

God asked the king to ask for a boon with a happy heart, then the king said- Everything is given by you. Save us. At the same time, a plane landed there. The king handed over his kingdom to his son and boarded the plane and went to the ultimate abode.


Dev Uthani Ekadashi Vrat Katha - 3

In the kingdom of a king, everyone used to observe Ekadashi fast. The subjects there, from servants to animals, were not given food on Ekadashi. 

One day, a person from another kingdom came to the king and said- Maharaj! Kindly employ me. 

Then the king put a condition in front of him that okay, I will employ you. But you will get everything to eat every day, but you will not get food on Ekadashi.

That person agreed at that time, but on Ekadashi, when he was given fruits, he went to the king and started pleading - Maharaj! This will not fill my stomach. I will die of hunger. Give me food to eat.

The king reminded him of the condition, even then he remained adamant on his point and did not agree to give up food, then the king gave him flour-pulses-rice etc. 

He reached the river as usual and after taking bath started cooking food. When the food was ready, he started calling God- Come God! Food is ready.

On his call, the Lord wearing yellow clothes arrived in Chaturbhuj form and started eating with him with love. After eating, the Lord disappeared and he went to his work.

Fifteen days later, on the next Ekadashi, he started saying to the king, Maharaj, give me double the food. That day I remained hungry. When the king asked the reason, he told that God also eats with us. That is why this food is not enough for both of us.

The king was very surprised to hear this. He said- I cannot believe that God eats with you. I keep so many fasts, do so much worship, but God has never given me darshan.

On hearing the king's words, he said- Maharaj! If you do not believe, then come with me and see. The king sat hiding behind a tree. That person cooked food like every day and kept calling God till evening, but still God did not come. Finally he said- O God! If you do not come, I will jump into the river and give up my life.

Even then God did not come, then he moved towards the river with the intention of giving up his life. Knowing his firm resolve to give up his life, God appeared and stopped him and sat with him and started eating. 

After eating and drinking, he seated him in his plane and took him to his abode. Seeing this, the king thought that there is no benefit in fasting unless the mind is pure. 

This enlightened the king. He also started fasting with all his heart and finally attained heaven.



