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Tulsi vivah story english | Tulsi shaligram vivah story

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
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3 minutes
Tulsi vivah story english | Tulsi shaligram vivah story
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Tulsi vivah story english | Tulsi shaligram vivah story - Tulsi marriage is performed on the day of Dev Uthani Ekadashi. It is believed that whoever performs Tulsi marriage in his house on this day, gets fame in this world and the next. Along with this, the special blessings of Lord Vishnu also remain on that person. Reading this story of Tulsi marriage on the day of Dev Uthani Ekadashi also brings virtue. Read the mythological story of Tulsi marriage.


Tulsi vivah story english | Tulsi shaligram vivah story

Lord Shiva once threw his energy into the sea. From which a very brilliant child was born. The name of this child was Jalandhar. Jalandhar later became a powerful demon king. Jalandhar was of a very demoniac nature. Jalandhar was married to Vrinda, the daughter of demon king Kalanemi. 

Once Jalandhar fought with the desire to get Goddess Lakshmi. But, since Jalandhar was also born from the sea, Goddess Lakshmi accepted Jalandhar as her brother. When Jalandhar was defeated, he reached Mount Kailash with the desire to get Goddess Parvati.

After this, Jalandhar took the form of Lord Shiva and reached Goddess Parvati. But, Goddess Parvati recognized him immediately with her yogic powers and Goddess Parvati immediately disappeared from there. There Jalandhar started fighting with Lord Shiva. 

Goddess Parvati narrated the entire incident to Lord Vishnu. Jalandhar's wife Vrinda was a very devoted wife. 

Jalandhar could neither be killed nor defeated due to the power of her devotion to her husband. That is why it was very important to break Vrinda's devotion to her husband to destroy Jalandhar.

After this, Lord Vishnu reached the forest in the form of a sage where Vrinda was roaming. Two demons also reached there with Lord Vishnu. Seeing them Vrinda got scared. Then Lord Vishnu who was in the form of a sage burnt both of them in front of Vrinda in a moment. 

After this Vrinda asked the sage about her husband Jalandhar who was fighting with Mahadev on Mount Kailash. The sage manifested two monkeys with his magic. 

One monkey had Jalandhar's head in his hand and the other had Jalandhar's torso in his hand. Seeing this condition of her husband Vrinda fell unconscious. 

When Vrinda regained consciousness she requested to bring her husband back to life.

After this, God joined Jalandhar's head to his body with his Maya, but he himself also entered the same body. Vrinda did not know that someone else had entered her husband's body. 

Vrinda started behaving like a faithful wife with the God who had become Jalandhar, due to which her chastity was broken. As soon as this happened, Vrinda's husband Jalandhar lost the battle on Mount Kailash.

When Vrinda came to know about this, she got angry and cursed Lord Vishnu to become a heartless rock. Lord Vishnu accepted the curse of his devotee and Shaligram became a stone. 

Due to the creator of the universe becoming a stone, there was a state of imbalance in the universe. Seeing this, all the gods and goddesses prayed to Vrinda to free Lord Vishnu from the curse.

Vrinda freed Lord Vishnu from the curse, but she herself committed suicide. 

Where Vrinda was reduced to ashes, a Tulsi plant grew there. Lord Vishnu said to Vrinda: O Vrinda. You have become dearer to me than even Lakshmi because of your chastity. 

Now you will always be with me in the form of Tulsi. Since then, every year the day of Dev-Uthavani Ekadashi of Kartik month is celebrated as Tulsi Vivah. Lord Vishnu blessed that whoever marries Tulsi with my Shaligram form will get immense fame in this world and the next.

Apart from this, Tulsi has a boon that even the messengers of Yamraj cannot go untimely to the house where Tulsi lives. 

At the time of death, the person whose soul leaves the house with Tulsi without buds and Ganga water in his mouth, he gets free from sins and attains Vaikunth Dham. 

The person who performs the Shradh of his ancestors under the shade of Tulsi and Amla, his ancestors attain salvation.



