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How to do Janmashtami Puja step by step

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Last Updated: Friday, August 30, 2024
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How to do Janmashtami Puja step by step
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How to do Krishna puja at home - In this blog we will discuss How to do Janmashtami Puja step by step. Understand the essential Janmashtami puja vidhi (procedure) and gather the necessary Janmashtami puja samagri (materials) to make your worship experience even more meaningful.

Discover the significance of Janmashtami puja and learn how to perform the ceremony with our step-by-step guide. You can easily do Krishna puja at home.

How to do Janmashtami Puja step by step

Janmashtami is a Hindu festival that marks the birth (janma) of Lord Krishna, celebrated on the eighth (ashtami) day of the dark half of the Bhadrapada month (August–September). The number eight holds additional importance in Krishna's story because he was the eighth child born to his mother, Devaki.

Lets understand How to do krishna puja at home .


Janmashtami puja samagri list in english

 Below is the list of Janmashtami puja samagri to do Krishna puja at home.

  • Jhoola or cradle for Lord Krishna 
  • Lord Krishna idol 
  • Flute Flowers 
  • Diya Tulsi leaves Kumkum
  • Pooja thali
  • Panchamrit 
  • Makhan mishri 
  • Chandan Incense sticks 
  • Gangajal 
  • Any five fruits 
  • Coconut 
  • Mango leaves Toran (at the door) Hanging
  • Kalash (Kalash) Copper plate / steel vessel / bowl


How to do Krishna puja at home - How to do Janmashtami Puja step by step?

How to do Janmashtami Puja step by step - Please follow below simple steps at home.


Step 1 - Janmashtami Puja Essentials

Before the puja, you should bring home all the puja materials required for Janmashtami puja. The list of materials is given above.

Step 2 - Wake up in the morning and take a bath and meditate

  • It is very important to wake up early in the morning on the day of Janmashtami Because the first puja in honour of Lord Shri Krishna has to be done early in the morning. 
  • The idol of Shri Krishna at home should be bathed with holy Ganga water. 
  • Bathing can be done with normal water also, but it is advisable to bathe with Ganga water only.
  • Immediately after the bath, the idol should be given new clothes to wear for the rest of the Janmashtami festivities. Jewelleries can also be placed on or around the idol.


Step 3 - Bhog or Prasad

  • Bhog or Prasad, Hindu It holds a central place in customs and festivals, including Janmashtami. 
  • During Janmashtami, devotees prepare a variety of delicious dishes as offerings to Lord Krishna. 
  • This act of offering and sharing food not only nourishes the body but also nourishes the soul.


Step 4 – Achaman Puja

After offering the prasad, another puja which is known as "Achaman Puja"  is performed.

  • In Lord Shri Krishna Puja, diyas are lit And are placed around the house. 
  • Krishna Aarti and mantras are chanted by the devotees and some devotees may recite the 108 names of Lord Krishna. 
  • Achaman Vidhi - In this puja you need to hold a spoon in your left hand. There is a vessel containing Gangajal.
    • Then this Gangajal has to be dripped on your right hand while chanting “Om Achyutaya Namah” and drink the water from your right hand silently. 
    • Repeat the above procedure but this time, “ Chant “Om Anantaya Namah”. Repeat the process again but with the mantra “Om Govindaya Namah”. To finish the puja, pour water on both hands and dry them.


Step 5 - Milk Bath

  • Take a copper plate or any steel vessel/bowl and place the idol of Laddu Gopal/Shri Krishna. 
  • Chant the mantra while bathing the idol of Shri Krishna with milk, ghee and flowers. 
  • After the milk bath is complete , Wash the idol with water and clean it and then dry it.


Step 6 - Puja after bath

  • Apply sandalwood paste on the idol and light a lamp and start chanting the mantra "Shubham Karoti Kalyanam". 
  • Then chant "Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu" Do this and then sing any Krishna bhajan of your choice.
  • When all the mantras mentioned above are being chanted, take an incense stick and move it in a circular motion around the idol 7 times. 
  • Then repeat the same process with the Aarti diya.


Also read - Om Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane Mantra | कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने


Step 7 – Offer Kumkum at the feet of Lord Krishna

  • Place Kumkum at the feet of Lord Shri Krishna and then touch your forehead with the same Kumkum.
  • After this, you can distribute Prasad Kumkum among other devotees present for the prayers. 
  • This kumkum or tilak can purify and sanctify the body. 
  • During this special step of the puja vidhi, one can ask for forgiveness and blessings from the Lord.


Step 8 - Keep Prasad for the Lord Shri Krishna

  • Offer and put Prasad to Lord Shri Krishna. 
  • The Prasad made can be left to be eaten later at night. 
  • You can distribute the Prasad among the devotees.
  • One should chant “Hare Krishna” or “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasu Devaya” to end the Janmashtami Puja Vidhi. Step 9 - Ask for forgiveness


Step 9 - Ask for forgiveness from Lord Shri Krishna for any mistake

Finally, ask for forgiveness from Lord Shri Krishna for any mistake.

Aavahanam na janami na janami tavarchanam.

आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि तवार्चनम्। 

Pooja śchaiva na janāmi ksmyatam parmeshwar

पूजां श्चैव न जानामि क्षम्यतां परमेश्वर॥

Mantrahinam kriyahinam bhaktihinam Sureshwar.

मंत्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं सुरेश्वरं। 

Yatpoojitam maya dev is perfect tadsmatu

यत्पूजितं मया देव परिपूर्ण तदस्मतु। 

Meaning of Apology Mantra: 

Oh Lord. I neither know how to call you nor how to bid you farewell.

Don't even know how to worship. Please forgive me.

I neither remember the mantra nor the action. I don't even know how to do devotion.

I am doing the puja as best I can, please forgive my mistakes and make this puja complete.

