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Rudrabhishek | Puja | Mantra | Benefits | Samagri

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, July 28, 2024
Last Updated: Monday, July 29, 2024
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Rudrabhishek consist with two words Rudra and Abhishek meaning Abhishek of Rudra (Lord Shiv). 

Rudrabhishek involves the ceremonial bathing of the Shivling with a sacred mixture of liquids, including milk, Gangajal, honey, yogurt, sugarcane juice, sandalwood, Belpatra, aromatic oils, and specific flowers like Dhatura and Akand/Rui.

रुद्राभिषेक दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है रुद्र और अभिषेक अर्थात रुद्र (भगवान शिव) का अभिषेक । 

रुद्र अभिषेक में शिवलिंग को दूध, गंगाजल, शहद, दही, गन्ने का रस, चंदन , बेलपत्र, सुगंधित तेल और धतूरा और अकंद/रुई जैसे विशिष्ट फूलों के पवित्र मिश्रण से स्नान कराया जाता है।

Rudra abhishek means or Rudrabhishek meaning

The literal meaning of the word Abhishek is to bathe or to get someone bathed. 

Rudrabhishek means the anointment of Lord Rudra i.e. Shiva. The form of Lord Shiva is seen in the Shivling. It means the anointment (Abhishek) of the Shiv Ling.


रुद्र अभिषेक का अर्थ / रुद्राभिषेक का अर्थ

अभिषेक शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ है स्नान कराना या किसी को स्नान कराना। 

रुद्राभिषेक का अर्थ है भगवान रुद्र अर्थात् शिव जी का अभिषेक। भगवान शिव का स्वरूप शिवलिंग में देखा जाता है। इसका अर्थ है शिवलिंग का अभिषेक ।


Rudrabhishek importance

The Rudra form of Lord Shiva is known for being fierce and destructive. 

Performing the Rudrabhishek puja according to the guidelines in ancient Hindu texts and with a pure heart and sincere intentions attracts Lord Shiva's blessings in all areas of life.

This ritual not only washes away sins and liberates one from past Karmas but also promotes spiritual growth. Additionally, the Rudrabhishek puja eliminates all negative energies from life.


रुद्राभिषेक का महत्व

भगवान शिव का रुद्र रूप उग्र और विनाशकारी माना जाता है।

प्राचीन हिंदू ग्रंथों में बताए गए दिशा-निर्देशों के अनुसार और शुद्ध हृदय और सच्चे इरादों के साथ रुद्राभिषेक पूजा करने से जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में भगवान शिव का आशीर्वाद मिलता है।

यह अनुष्ठान न केवल पापों को धोता है और पिछले कर्मों से मुक्ति दिलाता है, बल्कि आध्यात्मिक विकास को भी बढ़ावा देता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, रुद्राभिषेक पूजा जीवन से सभी नकारात्मक ऊर्जाओं को खत्म करती है।


What are the materials required for Rudrabhishek?

Below are the most essential materials that are required for Rudrabhishek or Rudra abhishek. 

Abhishek Liquids

  1. Water Mixture: Water mixed with Gangajal (Ganges water) and Gulab Jal (rosewater)
  2. Cow's Milk: Unboiled cow's milk
  3. Juices: Sugarcane juice or various fruit juices
  4. Panchamrit: A mix of cow's milk (unboiled), yogurt, honey, sugar, and ghee (clarified butter)
  5. Sprinkling Water: Water mixed with Ganges water in an Achamani pot with Kusha grass and a spoon for sprinkling

Ritual Items

  1. Incense: Dhoop, incense sticks, camphor
  2. Lamps: Ghee lamp
  3. Aromatic Offerings: Sandal paste, aromatic oils, perfume
  4. Rice: Unbroken rice grains (Akshat)


  1. Sweets
  2. Clothes
  3. Flowers
  4. Fruits
  5. Bel Patra (Wood apple tree leaves)
  6. Dhatura
  7. Paan (Betel leaves)
  8. Betel Nut
  9. Bel Fruit
  10. Coconut



रुद्राभिषेक के लिए क्या सामग्री आवश्यक है?

नीचे रुद्राभिषेक के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री दी गई है।

अभिषेक सामग्री

  1. जल मिश्रण - गंगाजल (गंगा जल) और गुलाब जल (गुलाब जल) के साथ मिश्रित जल
  2. गाय का दूध - बिना उबाला गाय का दूधरस: गन्ने का रस या विभिन्न फलों का रस
  3. पंचामृत - गाय का दूध (बिना उबाला), दही, शहद, चीनी और घी (स्पष्ट मक्खन) का मिश्रण
  4. छिड़काव जल - आचमनी बर्तन में कुशा घास और छिड़कने के लिए एक चम्मच के साथ गंगा जल के साथ मिश्रित जल

अनुष्ठान सामग्री

  1. धूप - धूप, अगरबत्ती, कपूर
  2. दीपक - घी का दीपक
  3. सुगंधित प्रसाद - चंदन का पेस्ट, सुगंधित तेल, इत्र
  4. चावल - अक्षत


  1. मिठाई
  2. वस्त्र
  3. फूल
  4. फल
  5. बेल पत्र (लकड़ी के सेब के पेड़ के पत्ते)
  6. धतूरा
  7. पान (सुपारी)
  8. सुपारी
  9. बेल फल
  10. नारियल



Rudra abhishek procedure or Rudrabhishek procedure - How to do Shiv Abhishek step by step?


Here is a detailed guide to help devotees perform Rudra Abhishek at home. It is important to chant the Rudrabhishek Mantra carefully and follow the procedure meticulously to gain the maximum benefits.


Rudrabhishek - Step 1 - Preparation


Placement of Lingam (Shivling)

Position the Lingam so that the Yoni faces north. Sit facing the west side of the Lingam, looking east. Use a wool or Kusha grass mat (Asan) to sit on.


Smearing Ash (Bhasma)

If you don't have bhasma. This step can be skipped.

  • Application: Apply holy ash (Bhasma) on your forehead in three horizontal stripes (Tripundra).
  • Symbolism: These stripes represent Absolute Knowledge, Purity, and Penance (Yogasadhana).


Wearing Rudraksha

  • Beads: Wear a Rudraksha mala while worshipping Lord Shiva.
  • Benefits: The Rudraksha beads help absorb powerful vibrations from the worship frequencies. 

    This can transform your thought process, align you with the Divine, and support your worship intentions. The high vibrations of Rudraksha balance the Chakras, elevating your consciousness.


Sprinkling Water

Ritual: Sprinkle water over all the Puja items and yourself while chanting the following mantra: 

Om Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sarva Vastan Gatopi Va 
Yah Smaret Pundari Kaksham Sa Bahya Bhyantarah Shuchi' 

Meaning: May all things unholy become holy, may all lower tendencies depart. As soon as we transcend, may we be purified both within and without.

Lighting the Ghee Lamp Water

Close your eyes and remember Guru, Ganesh, Kul Devta, Isht devta (Deity) and parents.

Om Gurubhyo Namaha
Om Ganeshaya Namaha
Om Kula Devatabhyo Namah
Om Ishta Devatabhyo Namah
Om Mata Pitribhyam Namah

Meaning: I bow to guru, I bow to Ganesha, I bow to the family deity, I bow to my personal deity, I bow to my parents


Rudrabhishek - Step 2 - Achamani 


  1. Sip Water: Place water in your right hand using an Achamani spoon and sip after each of these three mantras:

    Om Keshavaya Namah

    Om Narayana Namah

    Om Madhavaya Namah

  2. Pour Water on the Ground: Place water in your right hand and pour it on the ground while chanting:

    Om Govindaya Namah

  3. Breathing Rounds: Perform three short rounds of pranayama breaths, while reciting:

    Om Pranavasya Parabrahma 
    Rishihi Paramatma Devata  
    Daivi Gayatri Chandaha  
    Pranayamae Viniyogaha


Rudrabhishek - Step 3 - Holy Bath 


Step 3.1: Abhishekam

  • Bathe the Shiva Lingam with water, followed by a series of sacred liquids while chanting

Om Namah Shivaya (ॐ नमः शिवाय)

  • Offer the following liquids one by one:
       1 - Water mixed with Gangajal and Rose water
       2 - Cow unboiled milk
       3 - Sugarcane juice or fruit juices
       4 - Panchamrit (a mixture of five nectars)


Step 3.2: Drying and Placement

Wipe the Shiva Lingam with a clean cloth and place it on a pedestal.


Step 3.3: Chanting Sadyojaatam Mantra

Recite the Sadyojaatam mantra starting with Om (ॐ)

Om Sadyojaatam Prap dyaami Sadyo Jataya vaye Namo Namah.
Bhave Bhave Naati Bhave Bhavasva maam Bhavodbhavay Namaha.

सद्योजातं प्रपद्यामि सद्योजाताय वै नमो नमः।
भवे भवे नाति भवे भवस्व मां भवोद्भवाय नमः॥


Step 4: Offering Sandal Paste

  • Apply sandal paste to the western face of the Shiva Lingam, forming a Tripunda (three horizontal lines).
  • Recite the Vamdev (वामदेवाय) mantra

Om Vaamdevaaya namo jyeshthaay namah shreshthaay 
namo rudraay namah kaalaay namah.
kalavikaranaay namo balaay namo 
balavikaranaay namo balapramathanaay namah.
sarvabhootadamanaay namo manonmanaay namah.

ॐ वामदेवायनमो ज्येष्ठाय नमः श्रेष्ठाय
नमो रुद्राय नमः कालाय नमः।
कलविकरणाय नमो बलाय नमो
बलविकरणाय नमो बलप्रमथनाय नमः।
सर्वभूतदमनाय नमो मनोन्मनाय नमः॥


Step 5: Offering Dhoop and Incense

Offer dhoop and incense while reciting:

Om Aghorebhyo tha Ghorebhyo AGhor Ghore Tarebhayah
Sarvatah Sharvah Sarvebhyo Namaste Rudra Roopebhyaha

ॐ अघोरेभ्योऽथ घोरेभ्यो अघोरघोरेतरेभ्यः।
सर्वतः शर्वः सर्वेभ्यो नमस्ते रुद्र रूपेभ्यः॥


Step 6: Offering Flowers

Offer flowers while reciting 

Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevay Dheemahi Tanno Rudraha Prachodayat.

तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि। तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात्॥

Chant Eeshaan Mantra

Om Eeshaan Sarvavidya Nameeshwar Sarvabhootanam Brahmaadipati Brahmanaadhipati 

Brahma Shivo me Astu  Sa Ev Sada Shiv Om"

ईशान सर्वविद्यानामीश्वरः सर्वभूतानां ब्रह्मादिपति ब्रह्मणोऽधिपतिर्।
ब्रह्मा शिवो मे अस्तु स एव सदाशिव ओम्॥


Rudrabhishek Step 4 - Invocation & Offerings to Lord Shiva with Mantras

Please do below Mantras for Invocation and offerings to Lord Shiv for Rudrabhishek.

Step 4.1 - Invocation: 

Mantra - Avahanam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer my respects to the revered Lord Shiva, the ultimate reality.

Step 4.2 - Seat: 

Mantra - Asanam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer a seat to Lord Shiva, the embodiment of supreme consciousness.

Step 4.3 - Clothes:

Mantra - Vastram Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning:  I offer clothes to Lord Shiva, the divine ruler of all.

Step 4.4 - Sandalwood or Scent: 

Mantra - Chandanam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer sandalwood paste or scent to Lord Shiva, the source of all fragrance.

Step 4.5 - Unbroken Rice: 

Mantra - Akshatam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer unbroken rice to Lord Shiva, the symbol of purity and perfection.


Step 4.6 - Flowers, Bael Leaves, and Dhatura:

Mantra - Pushpam, Belpatram Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer flowers, Bael leaves, and Dhatura to Lord Shiva, the lord of all creations.


Step 4.7 - Incense: 

Mantra - Dhoopam Samarpayami Sri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer incense to Lord Shiva, the purifier of all.

Step 4.8 - Ghee Lamp: 

Mantra - Deepam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer a ghee lamp to Lord Shiva, the illuminator of all.

Step 4.9 - Water Offering: 

Mantra - Achamaniyam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer water to Lord Shiva, the quencher of all thirst.

Step 4.10 - Fruits and Sweets: 

Mantra -  Naivedyam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer fruits, sweets, and Bael fruit to Lord Shiva, the enjoyer of all offerings.


Step 4.11 - Water (aachman)

Achamaniyam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha .

Step 4.12 -Betel Nut and Paan:

Mantra - Tambulam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer betel nut and Paan to Lord Shiva, the symbol of hospitality.


Step 4.13 -Coconut: 

Mantra -  Shri Phalam Samarpayami Shri Shiva Maha Devaya Charana Kamalebhyo Namaha 

Meaning: I offer a coconut to Lord Shiva, the granter of all wishes.

Step 4.14 -Burn Camphor and chant karpooragauram mantra

Karpoor Gauram karuna Vataaram Sansara saaram bhujagendra haaram sada vasantan hridayaara vinde bhavam bhavaanee sahitan namami

कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम्
सदा वसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि


Rudrabhishek Step 5 - Chant Mahamrityunjay mantra

Chant Mahamrityunjay mantra at least 11 times. Its good to have this mantra 108 times and maximum there is no limit.

Om haum joom Sah Om Bhoor Bhuvaha Swaha
Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam.
Urvarukamiva bandhanan mrityor mukshiya maamritat.
Om Swaha Bhuvaha Bhooh Om Sah Joom Haum Om

ॐ हौं जूं स: ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: 
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् 
ॐ स्व: भुव: भू: ॐ स: जूं हौं ॐ !!


Rudrabhishek Step 6 - Chant Gayatri mantra 

Chant Gyatri mantra at least 11 times.

Gyatri mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

Om Bhoor bhuvah Swah tatsa vitur varenyan bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat .

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥


Rudrabhishek Step 7 - Samapan Mantra

We must chant Samapan Mantra in every pooja and this is common.

Step 7.1 - aahvaanan na jaanaami Mantra - आवाहनं न जानामि मंत्र

aahvaanan na jaanaami na jaanaami tavaarchanam.  

poojaan chaiv na jaanaami kshamyataan bhagavaan. 

mantraheenan kriyaaheenan bhaktiheenan sureshvaran. 

yatpoojitan maya dev uttam tadasmatu.

आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि तवार्चनम्। 
पूजां श्चैव न जानामि क्षम्यतां परमेश्वर॥ 
मंत्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं सुरेश्वरं। 
यत्पूजितं मया देव परिपूर्ण तदस्मतु॥  

Meaning: O Lord. I neither know how to call you nor how to bid you farewell. I do not even know how to worship. Kindly forgive me. I do not remember the mantra or the ritual. I do not even know how to do bhakti. I am worshipping as much as possible, please forgive my mistakes and complete this worship.


Step 7.2 - Apradh Sahastrani Mantra - अपराधसहस्त्राणि मंत्र

Apradh Sahastrani Kriyante-Harnisham Maya.

Dasoymiti Maa Matva Kshasva Parmeshwar.

Gatam Sin Gatam Dukham Gatam Daridra Mev Cha.

Aagatah Sukh Sampati Punyoham Tav Darshnaat.

अपराधसहस्त्राणि क्रियन्तेऽहर्निशं मया।
दासोऽयमिति मां मत्वा क्षमस्व परमेश्वर।।
गतं पापं गतं दु:खं गतं दारिद्रय मेव च।
आगता: सुख-संपत्ति पुण्योऽहं तव दर्शनात्।।

Meaning: Meaning- O Lord. I commit thousands of sins day and night. Considering that he is my servant, please forgive my sins. May my sins and sorrows be destroyed by your darshan, may poverty be removed and may I attain happiness and wealth. Give me such a blessing.


Rudrabhishek Step 8 - Hawan & Aarti

Step 8.1 - Chant Shiv Rudrashtakam

Step 8.2 - Perform Hawan

Step 8.3 - Pefrom Shiv ji Aarti | शिव आरती



Rudrabhishek benefits

Lord Shiva, also known as Rudra, is the Supreme Divine ruler of creation and is known for being easy to please. Devotees perform Rudra Abhishek pooja to gain His favor and receive numerous blessings. The benefits of Rudrabhishek include:

Protection and Health

  • Protection: Shields devotees from all dangers and harm.
  • Health: Provides good health and aids in healing from physical illnesses and diseases.

Prosperity and Fortune

  • Wealth: Brings prosperity, wealth, and good fortune.

Astrological Relief

  • Planetary Influence: Relieves malefic effects of planets, including Shani (Saturn) and Rahu.

Spiritual Growth

  • Spiritual Benefits: Promotes spiritual growth.

Fulfillment of Desires

  • Desires: Fulfills desires, provided they are for the individual's highest good.

Peace and Harmony

  • Mental Peace: Fills devotees' lives with peace and calms the mind.
  • Relationship Harmony: Enhances harmony between spouses and among family members.

Fertility and Opportunities

  • Fertility: Benefits couples struggling to conceive.
  • Career: Brings good opportunities, especially in career or job.

Positive Energy

  • Cleansing: Cleanses negative energies from the home and fills the atmosphere with positivity.


