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Tulsi mantra in English and Hindi

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Last Updated: Wednesday, December 25, 2024
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tulsi mantra in english and hindi
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Tulsi, also known as the Holy Basil, holds a sacred place in Hindu tradition and is revered as the earthly manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi. Chanting Tulsi Mantras is a powerful spiritual practice that brings peace, prosperity, and protection. 

Tulsi mantra in English and Hindi

These mantras not only glorify Tulsi Devi but also invoke her divine blessings to purify the mind, body, and soul. Reciting these sacred verses daily during Tulsi Pooja enhances positivity, eliminates negativity, and strengthens one’s connection to the divine.


1. Tulsi Mantra While Offering Water

When offering water to the Tulsi plant during pooja, you can chant the following mantra to invoke divine blessings.

Tulsi Mantra While Offering Water in English

Moolato Brahmaroopaya, Madhyato Vishnuroopini।

Agrataḥ Shivaroopaya, Tulasi Tvaṁ Namostute॥

Tulsi Mantra While Offering Water in English Meaning

"At your roots resides Lord Brahma, in your stem resides Lord Vishnu, and at your top resides Lord Shiva. O Tulsi, I bow to you with reverence."

Tulsi Mantra While Offering Water in Hindi

मूलतो ब्रह्मरूपाय, मध्यतो विष्णुरूपिणी।

अग्रतः शिवरूपाय, तुलसी त्वं नमोस्तुते॥

"तुलसी के मूल में ब्रह्मा का रूप है, मध्य में विष्णु का रूप है, और अग्रभाग में शिव का रूप है। हे तुलसी, मैं तुम्हें नमन करता हूँ।"

Tulsi Mantra While Offering Water Meaning

This mantra signifies the divine presence of the holy trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) within the Tulsi plant, symbolizing its sanctity and spiritual significance. By chanting this mantra while offering water, devotees express gratitude and seek the blessings of these deities.

यह मंत्र तुलसी के पौधे की दिव्यता को दर्शाता है, जिसमें ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और शिव तीनों देवताओं का आशीर्वाद समाहित माना जाता है। इस मंत्र का जप करते हुए जल अर्पित करने से भक्त को इन देवताओं की कृपा और आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है।


Also read - How to do Tulsi pooja at home daily


2. Tulsi Namaskara Mantra

Tulsi mantra in English:

Tulasyai Namah

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

तुलस्या नमः

"I bow to Goddess Tulsi, the sacred one."


3. Tulsi Gayatri Mantra

Tulsi mantra in English:

Om Vrindavanyai Cha Vidmahe, Vishnu Priyayai Cha Dheemahi, Tanno Tulasi Prachodayat॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

ॐ वृंदावन्यै च विद्महे, विष्णु प्रियायै च धीमहि, तन्नो तुलसी प्रचोदयात्॥

Tulsi mantra in Meaning:
"Let us meditate upon the divine Tulsi, beloved of Lord Vishnu. May she inspire and guide us toward enlightenment."


Also read - How to do Tulsi vivah puja at home


4. Tulsi Stotra

Tulsi mantra in English:

Vrinda Vrindavani Vishwapujita Vishwapavani  

Pushpasara Nandini Cha Tulasi Krishna Jeevani।  

Namastulasi Maharani Narayanapriye  

Namah Lakshmi Sahasramsha Namah Shivapriye॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

वृंदा वृंदावनी विश्वपूजिता विश्वपावनी

पुष्पसारा नंदिनी च तुलसी कृष्ण जीवनी।

नमस्तुलसि महारानी नारायणप्रिय

नमः लक्ष्मी सहस्रांश नमः शिवप्रिय॥

Tulsi mantra Meaning:
"O Tulsi, revered in all worlds and purifier of the universe, you are Krishna’s life and beloved of Narayana. I bow to you, O Maharani, who is a part of Goddess Lakshmi and dear to Lord Shiva."


5. Tulsi Prarthana (Prayer)

Tulsi mantra in English:

Yanmule Sarva Tirthani Yannagre Sarva Devata।

Yanmadhye Sarva Vedaśca, Tulasi Tvaṁ Namostute॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

यन्मूले सर्व तीर्थानि यन्नाग्रे सर्व देवता।   यन्मध्ये सर्व वेदश्च   तुलसी त्वं नमोस्तुते॥

Tulsi mantra Meaning:
"At your base reside all sacred waters, at your top dwell all the deities, and in your middle exist all the Vedas. O Tulsi, I bow to you."


6. Tulsi Aarti Mantra

Tulsi mantra in English:

Shri Tulsi Maharani Ki Jai, Vrinda Devi Ki Jai

Pavitra Tulsi Ki Jai, Vishnu Priya Ki Jai॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

श्री तुलसी महारानी की जय   वृंदा देवी की जय   पवित्र तुलसी की जय   विष्णु प्रिया की जय॥

Tulsi mantra Meaning:
"Victory to the divine Tulsi Maharani, Vrinda Devi, and the pure Tulsi, the beloved of Lord Vishnu."


7. Tulsi Vandana

Tulsi mantra in English:

Devi Tvam Nirmita Pura Sagarasya Upkule।

Yogidhyana Gamyosi Namo Narayan Priye॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

देवि त्वं निर्मिता पुरा   सागरस्य उपकुले।   योगी ध्यान गम्योषि   नमो नारायण प्रिये॥

"O Goddess, created by the ocean’s shore, you are accessible to the meditative yogis. Salutations to you, beloved of Lord Narayana."


8. Tulsi Shloka for Daily Worship

Tulsi mantra in English:

Dharmyaṁ Yashasyaṁ Ayushyaṁ, Tulasi Tvaṁ Namostute।

Yatvataḥ Poojanam Grihye Sarvaṁ Tadupa Shobhanam॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

धार्म्यं यशस्यं आयुष्यं, तुलसी त्वं नमोस्तुते।

यत्वतः पूजनं गृह्ये सर्वं तदुप शोभनं॥

"Tulsi, I bow to you, for your worship brings dharma, fame, and longevity. Wherever your presence is, it blesses the home with auspiciousness."


9. Tulsi Dhyana Mantra

Tulsi mantra in English:

Vrindayai Tulsidevyai, Priyayai Keshavasya Cha।  

Krishna Bhakti Prade Devi   Satvatam Namostute॥

Tulsi mantra in Hindi:

वृंदायै तुलसीदेव्यै, प्रियायै केशवस्य च।  

कृष्ण भक्ति प्रदे देवि, सात्वतां नमोस्तुते॥

"Salutations to Vrinda, the divine Tulsi, dear to Lord Krishna, who grants devotion to Him and brings sattvic purity."

Key Takeaways

  • These mantras can be chanted during Tulsi Pooja to invoke blessings.
  • Regular chanting purifies the surroundings, brings mental peace, and fosters devotion.
  • You can choose one or more mantras depending on the time and devotion level.

