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How to do Tulsi vivah puja at home

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Last Updated: Saturday, November 30, 2024
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How to do Tulsi vivah puja at home | How to do  Tulsi vivah at home
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How to do Tulsi vivah puja at home - Tulsi Vivah is a sacred Hindu ceremony celebrating the symbolic marriage of the holy Tulsi plant (representing Goddess Lakshmi) to Lord Vishnu. 

How to do Tulsi vivah puja at home

Performing Tulsi Vivah at home is believed to bring prosperity, harmony, and blessings to the family. Here is a step-by-step guide for conducting the Tulsi Vivah Puja with mantras in Hindi, English transliteration, and their meanings in English.

🌸 Step 1: Preparation for the Tulsi Vivah Puja

  1. Select a Clean Space: Arrange a clean area in your home or courtyard where you have a Tulsi plant (or place a potted Tulsi if you don’t have one in the ground).
  2. Gather Required Items: You will need:
    • A picture or small idol of Lord Vishnu.
    • A red cloth, turmeric powder, kumkum, rice grains, flowers, incense, diya (oil lamp), sweets, fruits, and new clothes for the Tulsi plant.
    • Kalash (water pot), thread (for marriage ceremony), and items to decorate the Tulsi plant like bangles and saree.
  3. Fasting and Bathing: It’s recommended to fast and take a bath before starting the puja to purify body and mind.


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🌼 Step 2: Setup for the Tulsi Vivah Puja

  1. Decorate Tulsi Plant: Place a red cloth and jewelry on the Tulsi plant as if dressing a bride. You can drape a small saree or dupatta over it and place bangles on the stems.
  2. Place Lord Vishnu’s Idol: Place an image or idol of Lord Vishnu near the Tulsi plant on a raised platform.
  3. Prepare the Kalash: Fill a water pot, decorate it with mango leaves, and place it near the Tulsi plant.

🌿 Step 3: Lighting the Diya (दीप प्रज्वलन)

  1. Light the Lamp and Incense: Light a diya (oil lamp) and incense sticks as a symbol of auspicious energy and offer them to both Tulsi and Lord Vishnu.

🌸 Step 4: Invoking Lord Vishnu and Goddess Tulsi (आह्वान)

  • Mantra for Invoking Lord Vishnu:

    Hindi: "ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय।"
    Transliteration: "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya."
    Meaning: "I bow to Lord Vasudeva (Vishnu)."

  • Mantra for Invoking Tulsi Mata:

    Hindi: "तुलस्यै नमः।"
    Transliteration: "Tulasyei Namah."
    Meaning: "I bow to Goddess Tulsi."

  1. Sprinkle Water Around the Setup: Sprinkle a few drops of water around the Tulsi plant and Lord Vishnu’s idol as a symbol of purification.

🌸 Step 5: Offerings to Lord Vishnu and Tulsi Mata (अर्पण)

  1. Apply Tilak (Sandalwood Paste): Apply sandalwood paste or turmeric-kumkum to the Tulsi plant, Lord Vishnu, and the kalash.
  2. Offer Flowers and Rice: Take some flowers and rice in your right hand, recite the mantra, and offer them to Tulsi Mata and Lord Vishnu.
    • Mantra for Offering Flowers and Rice:

      Hindi: "ॐ श्री तुलस्यै नमः।
      Transliteration: "Om Shri Tulasyei Namah."
      Meaning: "I offer my respects to the holy Tulsi plant."

  3. Offer Fruits and Sweets: Place fruits and sweets as offerings near the Tulsi plant and Lord Vishnu’s idol.

🌿 Step 6: Marriage Ritual (विवाह विधि)

  1. Tie the Sacred Thread (Ganth Bandhan): Take a sacred thread (mouli) and tie one end to the Tulsi plant and the other to the idol of Lord Vishnu, symbolizing their union.
  2. Offer the Sacred Garland: Offer garlands to both the Tulsi plant and Lord Vishnu’s idol.
    • Mantra for Offering Garland:

      Hindi: "तुलसी श्री हरिप्रियायै नमः पुष्पमालां समर्पयामि।"
      Transliteration: "Tulasi Shri Hari-priyaye Namah Pushpamalaam Samarpayami."
      Meaning: "I offer this flower garland to the beloved Tulsi, dear to Lord Hari (Vishnu)."

  3. Offer Water to Conclude Marriage: Offer water around the sacred thread and garland as a gesture to complete the marriage ceremony.

🌸 Step 7: Recite the Tulsi Vivah Mantra

  1. Chant the Tulsi Vivah Mantra for Divine Blessings:
    • Mantra:

      Hindi: "तुलस्याः श्रीमहाभागे विष्णोः प्रियसखि शुभे।
      नमस्ते नारदनुते नारायण मनः प्रिये।।"
      Transliteration: "Tulasyaah Shrimahabhage Vishnoh Priya-sakhi Shubhe,
      Namaste Narada-nute Narayana Manah Priye."
      Meaning: "O holy and fortunate Tulsi, dear companion of Lord Vishnu, revered by Narada and beloved of Narayana, I offer my respects."


Tulsi vivah story in English


🌸 Step 8: Perform Aarti (आरती)

  1. Light Incense and Perform Aarti: Light incense sticks and perform the aarti by moving the diya (lamp) in a circular motion in front of both Tulsi Mata and Lord Vishnu’s idol.
    • Aarti Verse (for chanting during Aarti):

      Hindi: "तुलसी महारानी नमो नमो आरती"
      Transliteration: "Tulsi Maharani Namo Namo Aarti"

      Aarti is given at the end of this article.

  2. Recite or Sing the Aarti Song: Sing an aarti song for Tulsi Mata and Lord Vishnu, expressing devotion and gratitude.

🌼 Step 9: Pray for Blessings (प्रार्थना)

  1. Pray with Devotion: Close your eyes and pray for harmony, health, and prosperity for your family. Seek blessings from Tulsi Mata and Lord Vishnu for a happy and peaceful life.
  2. Express Gratitude: Thank both Tulsi Mata and Lord Vishnu for their presence and blessings.

🌿 Step 10: Offer the Prasad (प्रसाद वितरण)

  1. Distribute the Prasad: Offer prasad (sweets and fruits) to everyone in the family as a symbol of blessings and sacred food.

🌸 Step 11: Conclude the Puja

  1. Seek Forgiveness for Any Mistakes: Conclude the puja by apologizing for any errors in the ritual.
    • Forgiveness Mantra:

      Hindi: "क्षमाप्रार्थना मंत्रः ॐ तत्सत्।"
      Transliteration: "Kshama Prarthana Mantra Om Tat Sat."
      Meaning: "O Lord, please forgive any mistakes I may have made during the puja."

  2. Untie the Sacred Thread (if tradition allows): Gently untie the sacred thread after the ceremony or leave it until the following day, depending on tradition.

By following these steps with devotion, the Tulsi Vivah Puja brings divine blessings, harmony, and prosperity to the family, as it represents the union of Goddess Tulsi with Lord Vishnu and the beginning of auspicious events.


Tulsi Maharani Namo Namo Aarti

Tulsi Maharani Namo-Namo,
Hari ki Patrani Namo-Namo ।


Dhan Tulsi Puran Tap Kino,
Shaligram Bani Patrani ।
Jake Patra Manjari Komal,
Shripati Kamal Charan Laptani ॥

Dhoop-Deep-Navaidya Aarti,
Pusphpan ki Varsha Barsani ।
Chappan Bhog Chatisau Vyanjan,
Bin Tulsi Hari Ek Na Mani ॥

Sabhi Sakhi Maiya Tero Yash Gave,
Bhaktidan Deejay Maharani ।
Namo-Namo Tulsi Maharani,
Tulsi Maharani Namo-Namo ॥

Tulsi Maharani Namo-Namo,
Hari ki Patrani Namo-Namo ।


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