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How navratri colors are decided | 9 colours of navratri

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Last Updated: Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Navratri and colors
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Navratri Colors, 9 days of navratri devi names and colours, navratri 9 days colour, how are colours of navratri decided, 9 colours of navratri.

Navratri Colors - 9 colours of navratri

Most of us are aware of Navratri celebration and significance however very few of us knows about Navratri Colors coding and common questions are:

  • How navratri colors are decided?
  • Why navratri colours change every year?
  • Who decides navratri colors?

If these questions are coming in your mind this blog is for you.

Navratri Colors - Mystery Solved for 9 colours of navratri

People who have been following the Navratri color code for years often wonder about the origins of these colors. The days of the week are named after celestial bodies such as the Sun, the Moon, and five planets, each linked to a specific color. These colors serve as the foundation for the Navratri color code.


Table 1  -  Color Pattern for first 7 Days of Navratri
Day (English)Day (Hindi)Planet (
Navratri Colors
SundayरविवारSun (रवि)Orange
MondayसोमवारMoon (सोम)White
TuesdayमंगलवारMars (मंगल)Red
WednesdayबुधवारMercury (बुध)Royal Blue
ThursdayगुरुवारJupiter (गुरु)Yellow
Fridayशुक्रवारVenus (शुक्र)Green
SaturdayशनिवारSaturn (शनि)Grey

However, what about shades like pink, purple, peacock green, and sky blue? 

Where do these colors fit in? The answer is quite straightforward. 

When Navratri begins on a specific day, it may have a double occurrence of that day, for example, two Mondays, two Tuesdays, and/or two Wednesdays. Consequently, the choice of colors depends on the day on which Navratri commences.

After assigning the initial seven colors, the remaining two slots are chosen by the individual responsible for finalizing the code each year. Therefore second slots is voluntary however below pattern is being followed from years.

Table 2  -  Color Pattern for next repeat day
Day (English)Day (Hindi)Planet (
Navratri Colors
SundayरविवारSun (रवि)Purple
MondayसोमवारMoon (सोम)Peacock Green
TuesdayमंगलवारMars (मंगल)Pink
WednesdayबुधवारMercury (बुध)Sky Blue
ThursdayगुरुवारJupiter (गुरु)Pink
Fridayशुक्रवारVenus (शुक्र)Purple
SaturdayशनिवारSaturn (शनि)Peacock Green

Representing in below format with colors for more clarity (9 colours of navratri)

9 colours of navratri - Navratri Colors: Analysis

Keeping this analysis simple - First 7 days will follow the pattern as described in table 1. i.e. Sunday is Orange, Monday is White, Tuesday is Red, Wednesday is Royal Blue, Thursday is Yellow, Friday is Green, Saturday is Grey. 

Then once we have repeat day it will be assigned from Table 2. Therefore if its repeat Sunday it will be assigned as Purple, if its Monday it will be Peacock Green, for Tuesday its Pink, For Wednesday its Sky Blue, For Thursday its Pink, for Friday its purple and for Saturday its Peacock Green.

We have analysed last 5 years data and below color pattern is true. Please refer Historic pattern below.

Navratri Colors

Navratri 9 Colors - Historic Pattern

Below is the last 5 years historic pattern and analysis making this true.

Year 2023 - First Navratri falls on 15th October which is Sunday therefore Orange color is assigned. From Sunday to Saturday its following the same pattern (for first 7 days). For 8th day its Sunday and therefore it will be Purple (following next repeat day pattern) and then for 9th Day its falling on Monday therefore repeat day color Peacock Green will be assigned.

Year 2022 - First Navratri falls on 26th September which is Monday therefore White color is assigned. From Monday to Sunday its following the same pattern (for first 7 days). For 3rd October, its Monday and therefore it will be Peacock Green (following next repeat day pattern) and then for 9th Day its falling on Tuesday therefore repeat day color Pink will be assigned.


Year 2021 - First Navratri falls on 7th October which is Thursday therefore Yellow color is assigned. From Thursday to Wednesday its following the same pattern (for first 7 days). For 14th  October, its Thursday and therefore it will be Pink (following next repeat day pattern) and then for 9th Day its falling on Friday therefore repeat day color Purple will be assigned.

Year 2020 - First Navratri falls on 17th October which is Saturday therefore Grey color is assigned. From Saturday to Friday its following the same pattern (for first 7 days). For 24th  October (8th day), its Saturday and therefore it will be Peacock Green (following next repeat day pattern) and then for 9th Day its falling on Sunday (25th  October) therefore repeat day color Purple will be assigned.

Year 2019 - First Navratri falls on 29th September which is Sunday therefore Orange color is assigned. From Sunday to Saturday its following the same pattern (for first 7 days). For 6th  October (8th day), its Sunday and therefore it will be Purple (following next repeat day pattern) and then for 9th Day its falling on Monday (7th  October) therefore repeat day color Peacock Green will be assigned.


Hope above explanation helps in understanding navratri color code and patterns. If there are any questions feel free to contact. Please share this with others.

