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Maa Chandraghanta | माँ चंद्रघंटा

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Maa Chandraghanta | माँ चंद्रघंटा
Table of contents

Maa Chandraghanta represents the married aspect of Goddess Parvati and embodies qualities of fearlessness and courage. She is also known by names like Chandrakhanda, Chandika, and Rannchandi.

Who is Maa Chandraghanta?

Devotees of Goddess Durga honor Maa Chandraghanta on the third day of Navratri. In this sacred nine-day festival, each day is dedicated to one of the Navdurgas, the nine avatars of Goddess Durga. 

Worshippers who venerate Devi in this form receive enduring strength and fortitude. She is the deity associated with the Manipura Chakra, situated at the Navel and governed by the Sun. 

Although Parvati was determined to wed Lord Shiva, He initially declared His intention to remain celibate and not marry anyone. Upon witnessing Parvati's intense suffering in pursuit of marrying Shiva, He was moved by her devotion and consented to her request, agreeing to marry her.

About Maa Chandraghanta | माँ चंद्रघंटा


Name (नाम)Maa Chandraghanta (माँ चंद्रघंटा)

Maa Chandraghanta Alternate Names 

(वैकल्पिक नाम)

Chandrakhanda, Chandika or Ranchandi

चन्द्रखण्डा, चण्डिका और रणचंडी

Maa Chandraghanta Vehicle (वाहन)Tigress (बाघिन)
Maa Chandraghanta Weapons (शस्त्र)She wields a Trishul (trident), Gada (mace), Sword, and Kamandal (water pot) in her four right hands, while her fifth right hand is in a Varada Mudra (blessing gesture). In her four left hands, she holds a lotus flower, Arrow, Dhanush (bow), and Japa Mala (prayer beads), with the fifth left hand in an Abhaya Mudra (fearlessness gesture).
Maa Chandraghanta Expression/Mudra (अभिव्यक्ति/मुद्रा)This form represents peace and well-being (शांति और कल्याण) for her devotees.

Maa Chandraghanta Planetary Influence 


Venus (Shukra) (शुक्र ग्रह)
Maa Chandraghanta Stuti (स्तुति)

Ya Devi Sarvabhoo‍teshu Maa Chandraghanta Roopen Sansthita, Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namo Namh.

या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु मां चंद्रघंटा रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥

Maa Chandraghanta Mantra (मंत्र)

Om Devi Chandraghantaayai Namah॥

ॐ देवी चन्द्रघण्टायै नमः॥


Maa Chandraghanta Story

In Hindu mythology, the tale goes that when Lord Shiva arrived at King Himavan's palace for his union with Maa Parvati, her mother, Maina Devi, was overcome by shock at his unconventional appearance. 

Lord Shiva had a serpent draped around his neck, his hair was disheveled, and his wedding entourage included spirits, sages, monsters, and phantoms. 

In response, Goddess Parvati transformed into Maa Chandraghanta and fervently prayed to Lord Shiva. He then assumed the guise of a handsome prince, and the two were wed.

As Mahagauri adorned a crescent moon on her forehead, she became known as Goddess Chandraghanta

In this form, Goddess Chandraghanta stands prepared for battle, armed with all her weaponry. 

Although the Goddess is known for her fierceness toward demons and adversaries, she is exceedingly compassionate toward her devotees. 

It is believed that the tinkling of the moon bell on her forehead banishes malevolent spirits from her worshippers. According to legends, the sound produced by her bell during her confrontation with demons sent thousands of wicked beings to the realm of the God of Death.

Maa Chandraghanta Iconographic Insights

  • Goddess Chandraghanta rides a tiger as a symbol of courage, possesses ten hands, and displays a semi-circular moon (Chandra) on her forehead. 
  • While Goddess Chandraghanta wields a Trishul, Gada, Sword, and Kamandal in her left hands (with her fifth hand in Varada Mudra), 
  • Her right hands grasp a lotus flower, arrow, Dhanush (bow), and Japa Mala (prayer beads) (with her fifth hand in Abhaya Mudra).

Maa Chandraghanta Ruling Planet

  • Maa Chandraghanta governs over the planet Venus, and it is believed that worshipping her with pure intentions can ward off any adverse effects associated with the Venus.

Maa Chandraghanta Chakra Association

Goddess Chandraghanta is the deity of the Manipura Chakra situated at the Navel, governed by the power of the Sun. Those who venerate Devi in this form receive everlasting vitality and fortitude.


Worshipping Maa Chandraghanta: A Step-by-Step Guide

The 3rd night of Navratri commences with the worship of Chandraghanta, which involves a sacred puja.

  1. Devotees use a shallow, clay-based utensil as a foundation.
  2. The ritual begins by pouring three layers of soil and seven types of grains (Sapta Dhanya/Navadhanya) into the pan.
  3. Subsequently, a small amount of water is sprinkled to ensure the seeds receive adequate moisture.
  4. A Kalasha (holy water pot) is placed in the base, filled with Ganga jal, Supari (betel nut), coins, Akshat (raw rice mixed with turmeric powder), and Durva grass.
  5. Five mango tree leaves are arranged around the neck of the Kalash, which is then covered with a coconut.

Benefits of Observing Maa Chandraghanta Puja 

  1. Devi Chandraghanta is believed to be the married form of Devi Parvati. Worshipping her with devotion is thought to bring fortune and prosperity to the lives of her devotees.
  2. Chanting mantras & puja during the third night of Navratri holds special significance, as it aligns our focus with the Manipura chakra located at the navel, making our bodies spiritually inclined towards the goddess and her blessings.
  3. It is believed that the vibrations from the mantra's words repel and eliminate any negative energy, evil intentions, or spirits.
  4. Those who regularly chant the Chandraghanta mantra are said to develop foresight and leadership qualities.
  5. Continuous chanting of mantra is believed to cleanse the performer of sins and remove obstacles, paving the way for a prosperous and joyful life.
  6. Devi Chandraghanta is always ready to protect her devotees. Chanting mantra & Puja is a way to ensure her blessings and protection at all times.

Maa Chandraghanta Mantra | माँ चंद्रघंटा मंत्र

Effective mantra of Maa Chandraghanta (मां चंद्रघण्टा का प्रभावशाली मंत्र)

ॐ देवी चन्द्रघण्टायै नमः॥

Maa Chandraghanta Prayer mantra (माँ चंद्रघंटा प्रार्थना मंत्र)

पिण्डज प्रवरारूढा चण्डकोपास्त्रकैर्युता।
प्रसादं तनुते मह्यम् चन्द्रघण्टेति विश्रुता॥

Maa Chandraghanta Stuti | माँ चंद्रघंटा स्तुति

या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ चन्द्रघण्टा रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

Maa Chandraghanta Dhyan mantra | माँ चंद्रघंटा ध्यान मंत्र

वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।
सिंहारूढा चन्द्रघण्टा यशस्विनीम्॥

मणिपुर स्थिताम् तृतीय दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
खङ्ग, गदा, त्रिशूल, चापशर, पद्म कमण्डलु माला वराभीतकराम्॥

पटाम्बर परिधानां मृदुहास्या नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
मञ्जीर, हार, केयूर, किङ्किणि, रत्नकुण्डल मण्डिताम॥

प्रफुल्ल वन्दना बिबाधारा कान्त कपोलाम् तुगम् कुचाम्।
कमनीयां लावण्यां क्षीणकटि नितम्बनीम्॥

Maa Chandraghanta Aarti | माँ चंद्रघंटा आरती

जय माँ चन्द्रघण्टा सुख धाम, 

पूर्ण कीजो मेरे काम॥

चन्द्र समाज तू शीतल दाती, 

चन्द्र तेज किरणों में समाती॥

मन की मालक मन भाती हो, 

चन्द्रघण्टा तुम वर दाती हो॥

सुन्दर भाव को लाने वाली, 

हर संकट में बचाने वाली॥

हर बुधवार को तुझे ध्याये, 

श्रद्दा सहित तो विनय सुनाए॥

मूर्ति चन्द्र आकार बनाए, 

शीश झुका कहे मन की बाता॥

पूर्ण आस करो जगत दाता, 

कांचीपुर स्थान तुम्हारा॥

कर्नाटिका में मान तुम्हारा, 

नाम तेरा रटू महारानी॥

भक्त की रक्षा करो भवानी॥


Maa Chandraghanta Aarti in English

Jai Maa Chandraghanta Sukh Dhaam, 

Poorna keejo Mere kaam॥

Chandra Samaaj Tu sheetal Dati, 

Chandra Tej kiranon mein samaatee॥

Man Ki maalak Man Bhati ho, 

Chandraghanta tum var Dati ho॥

Sundar bhaav ko laane vaalee, 

har sankat mein bachaane vaalee॥

Har Budhwar ko tujhe dhyaaye, 

Shradda sahit to vinay sunae॥

Moorti Chandra aakaar banae, 

Sheesh jhuka kahe man kee baata॥

Poorna aas karo jagat daata, 

Kanchipur sthaan tumhara॥

Karnaatika Me Maan Tumhaara, 

Naam tera ratoo Maharani॥

Bhakt Ki Raksha Karo Bhawani॥

