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Maa Siddhidatri | माँ सिद्धिदात्री

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, October 15, 2023
Last Updated: Sunday, October 15, 2023
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Maa Siddhidatri
Table of contents

Who is Maa Siddhidatri

The name Siddhidatri is made with two parts: "Siddhi," which means Perfection, and "Datri," which means the one who gives. This is why she is known as Maa Siddhidatri because she bestows various siddhi or Perfections upon her devotees.

Goddess Siddhidatri is one of the nine forms of Goddess Durga and is specifically venerated on the 9th day of Navratri. Navami, the ninth day of Navratri, is considered highly auspicious during this festival, and it is on this day that Goddess Siddhidatri is revered.

About Maa Siddhidatri| माँ सिद्धिदात्री

Name (नाम)Maa Siddhidatri (माँ सिद्धिदात्री)
Alternate Names 
(वैकल्पिक नाम)
Also known as Goddess Laxmi
Vehicle (वाहन)Sits on Lotus, Rides on Lion
Weapons (शस्त्र)Four Hands - She holds a lotus flower and a conch (Shankh) in her left hand, while her right hand carries a mace (Gadda) and a discus (Chakra).
Expression/Mudra (अभिव्यक्ति/मुद्रा)Calm and blessing gesture
Planetary Influence 
Ketu (केतु)
Stuti (स्तुति)

Ya Devi Sarvabhoo‍teshu Maa Siddhidatri Roopen Sansthita, Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namo Namh.

या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु मां सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥

Mantra (मंत्र)ॐ देवी सिद्धिदात्र्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Siddhidatrye Namah॥

Maa Siddhidatri Story

The origin of Maa Siddhidatri is truly remarkable. 

In a time when the universe was an immense void, shrouded in complete darkness, there was nothing – no light, no life, no creation, no time, no nature. At that moment, a radiant beam of celestial light emanated, permeating every corner of the void. 

This light was so profoundly divine and luminous that it illuminated the entire emptiness, dispelling the darkness. This ocean of light initially lacked a specific form. However, after some time, it abruptly began to take on a particular shape, ultimately transforming into the form of Goddess Mahashakti herself. 

The Supreme Goddess then brought into existence the Trinity of Gods, namely Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Mahadev or Shiv), and revealed to them the purpose of their existence.

She provided guidance to the three Lords, helping them understand their individual roles, pre-determined contributions, and responsibilities in fulfilling their duties towards the world. Following Goddess Mahashakti's instructions, the Tridev proceeded to an ocean and, in a seated posture, engaged in prolonged acts of penance. 

Pleased with their dedication and obedience, the Divine Goddess manifested herself in her most divine form, that of Siddhidatri Mata.

Goddess Siddhidatri generously bestowed a multitude of Siddhis upon the Trinity. Furthermore, she blessed Lord Brahma with a divine spouse, who was none other than a form of Goddess Saraswati, herself. She also blessed Lord Vishnu with a consort, who was once again a divine form of Siddhidatri Mata, in the guise of Goddess Lakshmi. Additionally, she bestowed Lord Shiva with a consort, who was yet another divine form, Goddess Parvati.

Siddhidatri Mata didn't limit her blessings to the initial eight "Ashta siddhi " She bestowed a total of 18 siddhis or perfections, which included the original eight perfections along with an additional set of ten secondary perfections, as defined by Lord Krishna.

She assigned Lord Brahma the role of creating the world, entrusted Lord Vishnu with the duty of preserving the creation and its inhabitants, and designated Mahadev with the responsibility of destroying the universes when the time comes. She informed them that their powers resided in the form of their respective consorts and that their wives would assist them in carrying out their assigned tasks. She assured them of her blessings, providing each of them with additional powers and Siddhis to aid in completing their duties.

In gratitude for Goddess Siddhidatri's blessings, Lord Shiva acquired the half-body of Goddess Shakti, which is why he is also known as "Ardhanarishvara."

With her immense splendor, Goddess Siddhidatri created various deities, demons, demigods, galaxies, universes, planets, the solar system, flora, fauna, land, water bodies, animals, mountains, fishes, birds, and everything that coexists. This act brought about the establishment of the fourteen worlds, and in her Siddhidatri form, the Goddess is worshipped by Asuras, Devas, Gandharvas, Yakshas, and all other creations in the world.

Maa Siddhidatri Iconographic Insights

Maa Siddhidatri represents the original form of Goddess Parvati. According to the iconography, she is depicted wearing a vibrant red saree while seated on a fully blossomed lotus flower. 

All four of her hands hold significant weapons. In her upper right hand, she gracefully wields a discus, delicately placed on her index finger. Her left upper hand holds a conch shell. 

In her right lower hand, she carries a powerful mace, and in her left lower hand, a gentle lotus. Adorned with intricate ornaments and a fresh flower garland gracefully draped around her neck, Siddhidatri Devi radiates an extraordinary, divine, and beautiful presence in this form.

Maa Siddhidatri Ruling Planet

Goddess Siddhidatri governs the planet Ketu. She holds the ultimate authority to guide and inspire her devotees to lead a spiritually disciplined life. 

Worshiping her with unwavering devotion is believed to please the Goddess, and in return, she bestows her faithful followers with extraordinary Siddhis. 

Additionally, Siddhidatri is renowned for dispelling fear and alleviating the sufferings faced by her devotees. She is also recognized for fulfilling desires and bestowing true knowledge.

Maa Siddhidatri Chakra Association

Maa Siddhidatri symbolizes the crown chakra, known as Sahasrara. She possesses extraordinary healing abilities and is known for granting various Siddhis or perfections to her devotees, earning her the name 'Siddhidatri.'




Worshipping Maa Siddhidatri: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. On the 9th day of Navratri, known as Navami, begin your day by waking up early in the morning. Purify yourself by taking a bath and wearing clean clothes.
  2. Prepare the puja altar for the Maa Siddhidatri Mata puja by lighting a ghee lamp, incense sticks, and dhoop.
  3. Start with Atma Puja to purify your inner self with a clear mind.
  4. Apply tilak on your forehead and perform the Achaman vidhi, which involves taking a little water in your palm and sipping it.
  5. Perform Kalash Pujan to remove any negativity from your surroundings.
  6. Make a Sankalpa by taking water in your hand and making a heartfelt wish to the Goddess.
  7. Offer 9 different types of flowers to the Goddess.
  8. Symbolically wash the feet of Siddhidatri Goddess by pouring water over them.
  9. Present water mixed with camphor as an offering.
  10. While performing these rituals, remember to chant the Siddhidatri mantra.

Benefits of Observing Maa Siddhidatri Puja 

  1. Devotees believe that by worshiping Maa Siddhidatri with true devotion, they can attain all these siddhis.
  2. Maa Siddhidatri possesses extraordinary healing abilities. She is renowned for granting her devotees various Siddhis or perfections, which is why she is known as 'Siddhidatri'.
  3. Maa Siddhidatri governs the planet Ketu. She guides individuals' minds and inspires them to lead disciplined and spiritually enriched lives.
  4. Worshiping Ma Siddhidatri can lead to increased spiritual knowledge and self-discovery.
  5. It can also alleviate issues arising from unfavorable positions of Ketu in one's horoscope.

Maa Siddhidatri Mantra

ॐ देवी सिद्धिदात्र्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Siddhidatrye Namah॥

सिद्ध गन्धर्व यक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी॥
Siddh Gandharrva Yakshadyairasurrairamarairapi।
Sevyamaana Sada Bhooyat Siddhida Siddhidayini॥

Maa Siddhidatri Aarti (आरती)

जय सिद्धिदात्री माँ तू सिद्धि की दाता, तु भक्तों की रक्षक तू दासों की माता॥
तेरा नाम लेते ही मिलती है सिद्धि, तेरे नाम से मन की होती है शुद्धि॥
कठिन काम सिद्ध करती हो तुम, जभी हाथ सेवक के सिर धरती हो तुम॥
तेरी पूजा में तो ना कोई विधि है, तू जगदम्बें दाती तू सर्व सिद्धि है॥
रविवार को तेरा सुमिरन करे जो, तेरी मूर्ति को ही मन में धरे जो॥
तू सब काज उसके करती है पूरे, कभी काम उसके रहे ना अधूरे॥
तुम्हारी दया और तुम्हारी यह माया, रखे जिसके सिर पर मैया अपनी छाया॥
सर्व सिद्धि दाती वह है भाग्यशाली, जो है तेरे दर का ही अम्बें सवाली॥
हिमाचल है पर्वत जहां वास तेरा, महा नंदा मंदिर में है वास तेरा॥
मुझे आसरा है तुम्हारा ही माता, भक्ति है सवाली तू जिसकी दाता॥

Jay Siddhidatri Maa Tu Siddhi Ki Daata, Tu bhakton kee rakshak too daason kee maata॥
Tera naam lete hee milatee hai siddhi, Tere naam se man kee hotee hai shuddhi॥
kathin kaam siddh karatee ho tum, jabhee haath sevak ke sir dharatee ho tum॥
Teri pooja Me to na Koi vidhi hai, Tu Jagdamben daati tu sarv siddhi hai॥
Ravivaar ko tera sumiran kare jo, Teree moorti ko hee man mein dhare jo॥
Tu sab kaaj usake karatee hai poore, kabhee kaam usake Rahe na Adhoore॥
Tumhari Daya aur Tumhari yah Maya, rakhe jisake sir par maiya Apni Chhaya॥
Sarv siddhi daatee vah hai Bhaagyashali, jo hai tere dar ka hee amben Savali॥
Himaachal hai parvat jahaan vaas tera, maha nanda mandir mein hai vaas tera॥
Mujhe aasara hai tumhaara hee maata, Bhakti hai savaalee too jisakee daata॥

Maa Siddhidatri Prasad 

Sesame (तिल) seeds are presented to Devi Siddhidatri to seek protection and security from unexpected occurrences.

On this day, some individuals conduct Kanjak or Kanya Pujan, where they invite young girls into their homes. 

These girls are seen as divine manifestations of Maa Durga, and worshippers show their reverence by washing the girls' feet, tying sacred threads on their wrists, and presenting them with Navami prasad, including halwa, puri, and black grams. Additionally, a special bhog of sesame seeds and night-blooming jasmine is offered to Maa Siddhidatri and Goddess Durga.

