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Story of somvati amavasya

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Monday, September 2, 2024
Last Updated: Monday, September 2, 2024
Read Time 🕛
3 minutes
Story of somvati amavasya
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Story of somvati amavasya: Lord Shiva is worshipped on the day of Somvati Amavasya. It is believed that the person who observes the fast of Somvati Amavasya, all his wishes are fulfilled. Along with this, he gets unbroken good fortune.


On this day, Story of somvati amavasya should also be read. Read story of somvati amavasya here.


Story of somvati amavasya

According to the Somvati Amavasya Vrat Katha, there was a poor Brahmin family,

That family had a husband, wife and a daughter. With the passage of time, their daughter gradually started growing up.

With increasing age, all the feminine qualities were developing in that daughter.

That girl was beautiful, cultured and talented, but due to being poor, she was not able to get married.

One day a Sadhu Maharaj came to that Brahmin's house. The Sadhu was very pleased with the service spirit of that girl. Blessing the girl with a long life, the Sadhu said that there is no marriageable line in the hand of this girl.

Then the Brahmin couple asked the Sadhu for a solution that what should the girl do so that there is a marriageable line in her hand.

After thinking for a while, the Sadhu Maharaj meditated with his insight and told that

In a village at a short distance, a washerwoman named Sona lives with her son and daughter-in-law, who is very well behaved, cultured and devoted to her husband.

If this Sukanya serves that washerwoman and that woman applies her vermilion at her wedding and after that this girl gets married, then the widowhood dosha of this girl can be eliminated.

The saint also told that that woman does not go out anywhere. Hearing this, the Brahmin woman proposed to her daughter to serve the washerwoman.

From the next day onwards, the girl would wake up early in the morning and go to Sona Dhobin's house and do the cleaning and other chores and then return to her house.

One day Sona Dhobin asked her daughter-in-law, "You wake up early in the morning and do all the work and no one even sees it."

The daughter-in-law said: Mother, I thought that you wake up early in the morning and finish all the work yourself. I wake up late."

Knowing all this, both the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law started keeping an eye on the house to find out who is the one who does all the household chores in the morning and leaves.

After many days, the Dhobin saw that a girl comes to the house in the dark, covering her face, and leaves after doing all the work.

When she was about to leave, Sona Dhobin fell at her feet and asked who she was and why was she serving her house secretly?

Then the girl told her everything that the saint had said. Sona Dhobin was devoted to her husband, so she was very intelligent.

She agreed. Sona Dhobin's husband was not well. She told her daughter-in-law to stay at home until she returned.

As soon as Sona Dhobin applied the sindoor from her maang to the girl's maang, Sona Dhobin's husband died. She came to know about this.

She had left the house without taking water, thinking that if she found a Peepal tree on the way, she would take water only after doing a Bhanwari and circling it.

That day was Somvati Amavasya. Instead of the sweets and prasad she got from the Brahmin's house, she did a Bhanwari 108 times around the Peepal tree with pieces of brick, did 108 parikramas and then drank water.

As soon as she did this, her husband's dead body came alive. The washerwoman's husband became alive again.


Also read

सोमवती अमावस्या पूजा विधि | सरल विधि | Somvati amavasya puja vidhi

सोमवती अमावस्या व्रत विधि, सामग्री और मंत्र | Somvati amavasya vrat vidhi

सोमवती अमावस्या पर क्या दान करना चाहिए | Somvati amavasya par kya daan karna chahiye

Somvati amavasya in english | fast | significance | items

