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Navratri: Everything You Need to Know - Description, Significance, Goddess, and Facts

Published By: Bhakti Home
Published on: Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, Oct 14, 2023


Navratri, a significant festival in Hinduism, is a celebration that lasts for nine nights, as the name suggests. It is also known as Sharad Navratri. This festival is dedicated to honoring the divine feminine. Navratri typically spans over nine days in the month of Ashvin or Ashvina, which usually falls in September-October in the Gregorian calendar. 

प्रथमं  शैलपुत्री च,द्वितीयं  ब्रह्मचारिणी ।
तृतीयं चन्दघण्टेति,कूष्माण्डेति  चतुर्थकम् ।।

पंचमं  स्कन्दमातेति,षष्ठं कात्यायनीति  च ।
सप्तमं   कालरात्रीति,महागौरीति  चाष्टमम् ।।

नवमं  सिद्धिदात्री,च  नवदुर्गा: प्रकीर्तिता:।
उक्तान्येतानि  नामानि,ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना ।।

अर्थ - पहली शक्ति का नाम है शैलपुत्री (हिमालय कन्या पार्वती), दूसरी शक्ति का नाम है ब्रह्मचारिणी (परब्रह्म परमात्मा को साक्षात कराने वाली), तीसरी शक्ति है चंद्रघण्टा। चौथी शक्ति है कूष्माण्डा (सारा संसार जिनके उदर में निवास करता है)। पाँचवीं शक्ति है स्कन्दमाता (कार्तिकेय की मां)। छठी शक्ति है कात्यायनी (महर्षि कात्यायन के अप्रतिभ तेज से उत्पन्न होने वाली)। सातवीं शक्ति है कालरात्रि (महाकाली) और आठवीं शक्ति है महागौरी। नवीं शक्ति है सिद्धिदात्री, और यह नौ दुर्गा के रूप में जानी जाती है।


Prathmam Shailputri cha, Dwitiyam Brahmacharini ।
Triteeyam Chandraghanteti, Kushmandeti Chaturthakam। ।
Panchamam Skandmateti, Shashtham Kaatyayneeti cha ।
Saptamam Kaalratriti, Mahagauriti Chaastamam ।।
Navamam Sidhhidaatri cha, Navdurgaah Prakeertitah ।
Uktanyetaani Naamani, Brahmanaiv Mahatmna ।।

Meaning: The name of the first Shakti is Shailputri (Himalayan girl Parvati), the name of the second Shakti is Brahmacharini (the one who makes the Supreme God visible), the third Shakti is Chandraghanta. The fourth power is Kushmanda (in whose womb the whole world resides). The fifth Shakti is Skandamata (Kartikeya's mother). The sixth power is Katyayani (originating from the unmatched brilliance of Maharishi Katyayan). The seventh Shakti is Kaalratri (Mahakali) and the eighth Shakti is Mahagauri. The ninth Shakti is Siddhidatri, and is known as the nine Durgas.

It concludes with the celebration of Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, on the tenth day. In some regions of India, Dussehra holds special significance and extends the festival to ten days instead of nine. Depending on the lunar calendar, there are instances when Navratri is observed for eight days, with Dussehra celebrated on the ninth day. 

There are four similar festivals throughout the year, all referred to as Navratri. However, the early autumn festival, Sharad Navratri, holds the most prominence. It commences on the same day as Durga Puja, a ten-day festival dedicated to commemorating the victory of the goddess Durga, especially celebrated in certain eastern states.

Each of the nine days is devoted to different manifestations of Mata Adi Shakti. People also worship the nine forms of the Goddess and seek blessings to overcome the obstacles associated with the nine celestial bodies (Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu). 

