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Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Monday, October 2, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, October 7, 2023
Navratri holds a deep-rooted tradition for all of us, carrying significant religious significance. It is widely recognized as one of the largest Hindu festivals celebrated with immense zeal and enthusiasm across the nation. However, not many are aware that Navratri is observed during various seasons, occurring five times a year.

Navratri 2023 date october

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Monday, October 2, 2023
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Navratri 2023 date october

Navaratri: A Nine-Night Hindu Festival

Do you have question about what is Navratri 2023 date in october? Lets explore!

Navaratri, a significant Hindu festival that spans nine nights, commemorates auspicious dates on the lunar calendar. Celebrated throughout India, it revolves around the veneration of the nine manifestations of the divine goddess Shakti. This festival is steeped in diverse regional interpretations and involves various meaningful rituals.

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Sankashti Chaturthi: Significance, Mantras and Rituals - Complete Guide

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, October 1, 2023
Last Updated: Monday, October 2, 2023
Sankashti Chaturthi is a sacred festival dedicated to Lord Ganesh, also known as Vighnaharta, meaning the remover of obstacles. It is celebrated fervently by many Hindu devotees, occurring every lunar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha, which is the waning phase of the moon. When this auspicious day coincides with a Tuesday, it is known as Angaraki Sankashti Chaturthi and holds exceptional significance among all Sankashti Chaturthi occurrences.

Sankashti Chaturthi

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, October 1, 2023
Last Updated: Sunday, October 1, 2023
1 minute
Sankashti Chaturthi is a sacred festival dedicated to Lord Ganesh, also known as Vighnaharta, meaning the remover of obstacles. It is celebrated fervently by many Hindu devotees, occurring every lunar month on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha, which is the waning phase of the moon.

Pitru Paksha

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Sunday, October 1, 2023
Last Updated: Sunday, October 1, 2023
2 minutes
Pitru Paksha, also referred to as Shradh Paksha, is a 16-day period in Hinduism dedicated to the worship of ancestors. According to belief, the souls of three generations of deceased ancestors reside in a transitional realm known as Pitrulok (Pitralok). During Pitru Paksha / Shradh Paksha, Yamaraj or Yama, the God of Death, releases these souls to visit their living relatives and accept offerings of gifts, food, and water. Pitru Paksha / Shradh Paksha is observed annually for fifteen days, during which people typically gather at the banks of rivers, including the sacred Ganges, to offer these provisions to their departed ancestors.

Pitra Dosh - symptoms and remedies

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Saturday, September 30, 2023
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Pitra Dosh signifies that your forebears have certain expectations from you, or your actions may have incurred their displeasure. It can stem from unfulfilled expectations for offspring, both sons and daughters, leading to an ancestral and individual debt that remains unresolved. Any form of suffering endured by descendants due to ancestral actions is regarded as Pitra Dosha / Pitru Dosh.

Where is Pitra Lok - know the mysterious knowledge

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Friday, September 29, 2023
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
As per the Puranas, Pitrilok is situated at a distance of 86,000 yojanas above the mortal world (Bhoolok), towards the southern direction. The Garuda Purana and Kathopanishad mention Yampuri or Pitraloka, spanning over one lakh yojanas. It is believed that upon death, souls ascend to the ancestral world, residing in a state between death and rebirth for a period ranging from 1 to 100 years.

Pitru Paksha - History and Significance

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Friday, September 29, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, September 14, 2024
Pitru Paksha, also referred to as Shradh Paksha, is a 16-day period in Hinduism dedicated to the worship of ancestors. According to belief, the souls of three generations of deceased ancestors reside in a transitional realm known as Pitrulok (Pitralok). During Pitru Paksha / Shradh Paksha, Yamaraj or Yama, the God of Death, releases these souls to visit their living relatives and accept offerings of gifts, food, and water. Pitru Paksha / Shradh Paksha is observed annually for fifteen days, during which people typically gather at the banks of rivers, including the sacred Ganges, to offer these provisions to their departed ancestors.

Pitru Paksha 2024: Dates, Rituals, and Significance of Shradh Paksha

Published By: bhaktihome
Published on: Friday, September 29, 2023
Last Updated: Saturday, September 14, 2024
Pitru Paksha carries significant religious importance within the Hindu tradition. This 16-day period is entirely devoted to honoring one's ancestors and forefathers. It is regarded as a profoundly sacred time during which individuals pay homage to their ancestors by offering food and water through priests or Brahmins. Pitru Paksha is also referred to as Shraddh Paksha.
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